Page 56 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 56


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         High Speed, High Resolution Analysis (Part 40)

                                         Analysis of Aflatoxins in Food by Nexera UHPLC with
            No.L430                      an Immunoaffinity Column for Sample Preparation

            Aflatoxins are mycotoxins that are extremely       In Application News No. L422, we introduced an
            carcinogenic and acutely toxic, and are therefore   example of aflatoxins analysis which offered improved
            subject to stringent monitoring in food products. In the   analysis efficiency, in which we conducted ultra-high-
            past, aflatoxin control in Japan applied specifically to   speed analysis of the 4 aflatoxins using a combination
            aflatoxin B1, but from October, 2011, total aflatoxins   of the Prominence RF-20Axs high-sensitivity
            (total of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2) became subject to   fluorescence detector and the Nexera Ultra High
            this restriction .                                 Performance LC system using direct high-sensitivity
            The official notification of this regulation change   fluorescence detection without derivatization of the
            specifies the use of a multifunctional column or an   aflatoxins.
            immunoaffinity column for isolation and cleanup of the   Here we introduce an example of high-speed analysis
            aflatoxins . Of the two, it is believed that an    using direct fluorescence detection in which the
            immunoaffinity column would be more effective for   aflatoxins in processed food and spice were cleaned up
            samples like spices and processed foods, which contain   using an immunoaffinity column.
            many impurity substances.

            n Analysis of Food Products – Sample Preparation Using Immunoaffinity Column
            Roasted peanuts (processed) and nutmeg (spice)  were
            subjected to sample preparation according to the        0.70  mV
            procedures in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 on the following page .         Roasted Peanuts
            For the immunoaffinity column, the AFLAKING (Horiba,                            3
            Ltd.)  was used. Standard solution was added to each    0.50              1
            sample to adjust the concentrations of aflatoxins B1 and
            G1 to 0.8 μg/kg, and B2 and G2 to 0.2 μg/kg.
            Fig. 1 shows the results of analysis of the roasted                                  4
            peanuts and nutmeg, and Table 1 shows the analytical    0.25                 2
            conditions. Use of this analysis method permits the
            analysis time to be shortened to one-fourth that of the
            conventional conditions (Application News No. L428).                                   Spiked
            Furthermore, since almost no substances were detected     0                          Unspiked
            aside from the aflatoxins due to sample cleanup using
            the immunoaffinity column, even faster analysis can be     0.0     1.0     2.0     3.0    min
            expected by further shortening the column.                  mV
            Using this analytical method, direct, high-sensitivity   0.65
            detection of aflatoxins B1 and G1 is conducted without            Nutmeg
            derivatization (conversion to hydroxide) using          0.50
            trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). For comparison, the analysis
            results obtained following TFA pretreatment are shown                           3
            in Fig. 4 on the following page.                                          1
                                                                    0.25                         4
            *1: The roasted peanuts and nutmeg samples were provided by the              2
               Mycotoxin Research Association.
            *2: Part of the experimental method differs from the official method.                  Spiked
            *3: AFLAKING can be obtained from Shimadzu GLC, Ltd.      0                          Unspiked

                                                                       0.0     1.0     2.0     3.0    min
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions
             Column     : Shim-pack XR-ODSⅡ(100 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 μmʣ  1. Aflatoxin G 2,  2. Aflatoxin G 1,
             Mobile Phase  : Water / Methanol / Acetonitrile = 6/3/1 (v/v/v)  3. Aflatoxin B 2,  4. Aflatoxin B 1
             Flow Rate  : 1.0 mL/min
             Column Temp.  : 50 °C
             Injection Volume : 8 μL                              Fig. 1  Chromatograms of Roasted Peanuts and Nutmeg
             Detection  : RF-20Axs Ex. at 365 nm, Em. at 450 nm        (Upper) Spiked, (Lower) Unspiked
             RF Cell    : Conventional cell
             Cell Temp.  : 25 °C
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