Page 54 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 54


                                           High Performance Liquid Chromatography

                                           UHPLC assay for stevia glycosides

             No. SCA_190_015

            Gesa J. Schad, Shimadzu Europa GmbH

            Introduction                                        Analytical conditions
            With today’s growing health awareness, there is an   System configuration:
            increasing interest in sugar substitutes in various   A Shimadzu Nexera X2 UHPLC system was used
            areas  of  the food  industry.  Stevia,  the  natural   consisting  of  two quaternary solvent  pumps
            alternative to artificial sweeteners, extracted from   (LC-30AD) with two 5 channel degassers (DGU-
            the Stevia rebaudiana plant has just recently been   20A5R), an autosampler (SIL-30AC), and a column
            approved for use in the  EU. Rebaudioside A  is     oven (CTO-20AC). The system was also equipped
            largely enriched  in commercial  Stevia products,   with an SPD-M30A photo diode array detector.
            while  natural extract contains  Stevioside  as the
            major component. Hence, an HPLC assay for           Method:
            quality control purposes,  must be  able to clearly   Column: ACE Excel 2 Super C18, 150 x 2.1 mm
            separate this critical peak pair.                   Mobile Phase:  10 mM NaH2PO4, pH 2.8
                                                                              A: in H2O   and B: in MeCN/H2O
                                                                              (80:20 v/v)
                                                                Gradient:     39.5 – 48 % B: in 4 min
                                                                Cycle time:   7 min  Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min
                                                                Temperature:  50 °C  Injection Volume: 1 µL
                                                                Sample:       0.04 mg/mL of each compound in
                                                                              MeCN/H2O (6:94)
               30                                         1.837 – Stevioside     2.2885 – Rubusoside  Steviolbioside

             25                   0.800 – Rebaudioside D  1.738 – Rebaudioside A       2.413 – Dulcoside A D  3.302 – Rebaudioside B
             20                                                2.091 – Rebaudioside F     2.247 – Rebaudioside C  3.509 –




               0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  2.00  2.25  2.50  2.75  3.00  3.25  3.50  3.75  min

            Conclusion / Result

            A robust, selective, and sensitive separation of    time of the JECFA approved assay was
            nine stevia glycosides in less than a third of the  established successfully within two working days.
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