Page 53 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 53

Application  No.L421

            n Analysis of Artificial Colorings in Food
            Pickle juice and liquid extract of candy were measured   retention times and spectral patterns of the detected
            using the analytical conditions shown in Table 1. The   peaks matched those of the standard substances.

               mAU                                             mAU
              40                                             40
                      mAU         30 mAU          ■Peaks                     30 mAU                ■Peak
                    1.0  Peak 4     Peak 10         4. R102                     Peak 3
              30                  20               10. R106  30              20                     3. B2
                    0.5                         10                        3
                                  10                                         10
              20    0.0                                      20
                                   0                                          0
                     300   500  nm 300  500  nm                               300  500  nm
              10                                             10
               0                                              0
               0.00      0.25     0.50      0.75      1.00 min  0.00    0.25      0.50      0.75      1.00min
                            Fig. 2  Chromatograms and Spectra of Artificial Colorings in Food (Left: Pickle, Right: Candy)

            n Analysis of 21 Artificial Colorings
            We conducted analysis of 21 artificial substances,   150           13    16  18   20    Max.Plot
            consisting of those listed on the previous page     100             14  15  17  19 7 8  9 21  10 11
            together with 9 additional dye substances. Based on   50   1  2  3 4  5  6               12
            investigation of the gradient analysis conditions    0
            (Table 3), simultaneous analysis was completed        0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  min
            within 2 minutes.                                    30 mAU  1
            Fig. 3 shows the MAX plot and the chromatograms      20          5  13             20    450 nm
            obtained using 3 different wavelengths.              10                      19
            Chromatographic peaks were identified for yellow     0
            dyes at 450 nm, red dyes at 520 nm, and blue-green    0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  min
            dyes at 620 nm. Thus, simultaneous quantitation can   50 mAU
            be achieved by selecting the appropriate detection                  6    16     9   10 11  520 nm
            wavelength for each substance using the photodiode   25     2   4  14  15  17             12
            array detector. In the MAX plot, peak 20 (Orange Ⅱ)
            and peak 21 (Patent Blue V) are overlapping,         0 0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  min
            however, as shown in Fig. 4, at 450 nm and 620 nm,
            almost none of the other substances are present,    100 mAU                  7    21     620 nm
            allowing quantitation at each separate wavelength.                          18  8
                                                                 50       3
                         Table 3  Analytical Conditions
                                                                  0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  min
             Time Program  : B Conc. 5 % (0.0 min) → 100 % (2.5-2.7 min)
                             → 5 % (2.71-3.5 min)                 ■Peaks
             Detection   : SPD-M20A                               1. Y4 (Tartrazine), 2. R2 (Amaranth), 3. B2 (Indigo Carmine),
                         Max Plot 400-700 nm, 450 nm, 520 nm, 620 nm  4. R102 (New Coccine), 5. Y5 (Sunset Yellow FCF),
                                                                  6. R40 (Allura Red AC), 7. G3 (Fast Green FCF),
            *The other conditions are the same as specified in Table 1.
                                                                  8. B1 (Brilliant Blue FCF), 9. R3 (Erythrosine), 10. R106 (Acid Red),
                                                                  11. R104 (Phloxine), 12. R105 (Rose Bengale)
                                                                  13. Orange G, 14. Black PN, 15. Red 2G, 16. Fast Red E,
                           mAU                                    17. AzoRubine, 18. Green S, 19. QuinolineYellow S,
                        500                                       20. Orangeᶘ, 21. Patent Blue V
                            Peak 20  Peak 21
                                                                  Fig. 3  Multi-Chromatogram of a Standard Mixture of 21
                                                                       Artificial Colorings (25 mg/L each)
                          300  400  500  600  nm

                      Fig. 4  Spectra of Peak 20 and Peak 21
                                                                                                     First Edition: Sep. 2011
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                             products in your country.

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