Page 60 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 60


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         High Speed, High Resolution Analysis (Part 46)

                                         Analysis of Pre-Column Derivatized Biogenic Amines
            No.L449                      by the Nexera SIL-30AC Autosampler

            Biogenic amines are produced naturally by the                   Table 2  Analytical Conditions
            enzymatic decarboxylation of amino acids in beverages
            and food. Biogenic amines such as these are also used   Column   : Shim-pack XR-ODSⅢ (75 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 1.6 µm)
                                                                Mobile Phase  : A : 100 mmol/L Acetate (Sodium) Buffer (pH 4.7)
            as an indicator of food spoilage. Histamine, a substance      B : Acetonitrile
            that can cause allergy-like food poisoning, must not   Time Program  : B.Conc. 15 % (0 min) →30 % (3 min) →40 % (8 min)
                                                                          →15 % (8.01-11 min)
            exceed 50 ppm in food in general according to FDA   Flowrate   : 0.5 mL/min
            standards, 100 ppm in marine products in the EU, and   Column Temp. : 40 °C
            400 ppm in fish sauce according to the Codex        Injection Vol.  : 1 µL
            International Food Standards. In addition, biogenic   Detection   : RF-20AXS Ex. at 330 nm, Em. at 440 nm
                                                                         : 30 °C
                                                                Cell Temp.
            amines such as cadaverine and tyramine appear to    Flow Cell   : Semi-micro cell
            intensify the allergy-like food toxicity of histamine.
            In Application News articles L432 and L437, we
            introduced examples of the pretreatment functions of
            the SIL-30AC autosampler in the analysis of
            fluorescence-derivatized amino acids using           700
            o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). Here, we introduce an                  1
            example of the analysis of fluorescent amines that were   600
            derivatized with OPA.                                            2
            n Simultaneous Determination of 7 Biogenic Amines                         3
            With this method, the pretreatment functions of the   400
            Nexera SIL-30AC autosampler were utilized to conduct
            automated derivatization of the amines using OPA.    300
            Table 1 shows the derivatization reagents used with this                             6
            method, and Fig. 1 shows the reagent addition and    200                                7
            mixing settings that were used for automated                                        5
            derivatization using the Nexera SIL-30AC autosampler.   100                        4
            The analytical conditions that were used are shown in
            Table 2, and the chromatogram obtained from analysis   0
            of a standard solution is shown in Fig. 2. In addition to
            automating the derivatization step, the overall analysis   0.0    2.5       5.0        7.5  min
            time can be further shortened by using the overlapping   ■Peaks
            injection feature that was introduced in Application    1. Histamine, 2. Agmatine, 3. Tyramine, 4. Tryptamine,
            News L437. This allows the next sample in the           5. Putrescine, 6. Phenethylamine, 7. Cadaverine
            sequence to be derivatized and loaded into the needle
            for injection immediately after the analysis of the   Fig. 2  Chromatogram of Standard Solution of 7 Biogenic Amines (10 mg/L each)
            current sample is complete.

                   Table 1 Derivatization Reagents (10 mg/L each)
            • Mercaptopropionic Acid Solution (MPA solution)
              3-Mercaptopropionic Acid 10 µL in 0.1 mol/L Borate Buffer (pH 9.2) 10 mL
            • o - Phthalaldehyde Solution (OPA solution)
              o - Phthalaldehyde 10 mg in 0.1 mol/L Borate Buffer (pH 9.2) 10 mL


                                   MPA solution 45 µL
                                   OPA solution 22 µL
                                   Sample 7.5 µL
                      Wait 2.0 min
                                  Inject to HPLC 1 µL

                  Fig. 1  Flowchart of Derivatization with SIL-30AC
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