Page 12 - 2_Pharmaceutical industry
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            This is why the TOC-V WP/WS  is especially          The software use is enabled via user access
            suitable  for TOC determination in  the ultra-      rights. It offers user accounts on four different
            trace range.                                        levels,   each    protected   through    own
                                                                passwords. The administrator can individually
            ■ Calibration:                                      change access rights  for each user. The
            Method:               NPOC                          software  allows  changing  of  login  during
            Acidification:        3%                            ongoing    operation.  This    is  especially
            Sparge time:          3 minutes                     important for laboratories working under
            Oxidizer:             1,5%                          multiple shift operation
            Injection volume:     20,4 ml                       All   software    operations    are    stored
                                                                automatically in the audit trail. This happens
                                                                entirely in the background. Only when
                                                                existing  parameters  are  changed  is  a  user
                                                                comment required. Data storage takes place
                                                                in an MSDE database.

                                                                The  TOC-Control  V  software  simplifies  the
                                                                implementation of the system suitability tests
                                                                using integrated templates for the creation of
                                                                calibration  curves  and  the  measurement  of
                                                                the control sample.

                                                                The system suitability  test is defined in a
                                                                special control sample template. Subsequent
            Data according to DIN 32645                         to the measurement of the control sample
            Limit of detection:      0,3µg/l TOC (NPOC)         (benzoquinone), the recovery is calculated
            Limit of quantification:  2,2µg/l TOC (NPOC)        automatically,    compared       with     the
                                                                predetermined limits (85 – 115 %) and
            ■ TOC-Control V Software                            documented.
            In the pharmaceutical industry TOC systems
            are   used    in   a   regulated   laboratory
            environment and therefore these systems are
            subject to various regulations that particularly
            apply to instrument software.
            The TOC-Control V software running the
            TOC-V series provides full support for
            complying with the regulations,  while still
            remaining extremely user-friendly.
            Already during software installation, the
            operating criteria of the software are decided.
            The    selected    parameters    cannot    be
            deactivated later.
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