Page 11 - 2_Pharmaceutical industry
P. 11

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in ultra pure water with
                                         wet chemical oxidation

            The quality of ultra pure water is  of crucial      the  resulting  CO 2  using  an  NDIR  detector.
            significance in a large number of application       Wet-chemical oxidation uses a combination
            areas such as monitoring of water quality in        of  UV  irradiation  and  persulfate  oxidation.
            water treatment plants, and in industries such      Both  methods  are  suitable  for  TOC
            as chip manufacture or pharmaceutical               determination in ultrapure water.
            production. Determination of Total Organic
            Carbon  (TOC)  is  playing  an  increasingly        The EP 2.2.44 guidelines do not specify any
            important role in quality control.                  particular  oxidation technique for TOC
                                                                determination. However, the TOC systems
                                                                must differentiate between inorganic and
                                                                organic  carbon. This can be carried out via
                                                                removal  of  the  inorganic  carbon  species
                                                                (NPOC method), or using a separate
                                                                determination  (difference  method).  The  limit
                                                                of detection for TOC should be at least 0.05
                                                                mg carbon/L. Applicability of the method must
                                                                be determined via a system suitability test.

                                                                ■ TOC-V WP with wet chemical oxidation

            The  TOC  value  indicates  whether  ultra  pure    The fundamental technique of the TOC-V
            water still contains any organic contaminants.      WP/WS analyser is powerful oxidation via the
            TOC  determination  is  fast  and  accurate  and    combination of sodium persulphate and UV
            is defined in the  European Pharmacopoeia           oxidation at 80 °C. These features guarantee
            (EP)  as  a  control  parameter  for  WFI-water     that all dissolved carbon species will be
            (water for injection).                              detected. An automatic reagent preparation
                                                                function eliminates possible contamination of
            ■ TOC determination in ultra pure water             the reagent solution and minimizes the blank
            Two oxidation techniques are now commonly           value of the instrument. These features,
            used  in TOC  analysis:  catalytic combustion       together with the high injection volume (up to
            and wet-chemical oxidation. In  catalytic           20.4 mL) and the highly sensitive NDIR
            combustion,     carbon     compounds      are       detector, result in extremely low detection
            converted to CO 2 using high temperatures           limits and excellent reproducibilities in the low
            and a catalyst, with subsequent detection of        ppb-range.
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