Page 9 - 2_Pharmaceutical industry
P. 9

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        TOC-Determination according to

                                        EP 2.2.44

            Since     the     USP      (United     States       ■ System suitability test
            Pharmacopoeia)       regulations   for    the       For the system suitability test, a standard
            determination of Aqua Purificata and Aqua ad        sucrose solution with a carbon content of 0.5
            injectabilia  has been implemented into the         mg/L  is  prepared.  A  control  solution  of  1,4-
            European     Pharmacopoeia      (EP),   TOC         benzoquinone with the same carbon content
            analysis has become increasingly established        was subsequently prepared. The blank water
            in quality control. Users who test the TOC          (ultra-pure water) used for this purpose may
            content  in  pharmaceutical  water  must            not  exceed  a  TOC  content  of  0.1  mg/L.  For
            regularly test their TOC system using a             the system suitability test, all solutions
            system suitability test according to the            including  the  blank  water  are  subsequently
            method  described  in  the  EP  2.2.44              measured and the resulting signals are
            guidelines.                                         recorded.

                                                                Blank water: r w
                                                                Standard solution (sucrose): r s
                                                                Control solution (benzoquinone): r ss

                                                                The  peak  area  of  the  blank  water  is
                                                                subtracted  from the peak areas of both
                                                                standard solutions. The recovery of the
                                                                benzoquinone standard is then calculated
                                                                with respect to the sucrose standard.
                                                                                      r   r
                                                                                       ss  w   100
            ■ European Pharmacopeia                             Recovery in %:        r s   r w
            The  EP  2.2.44  guidelines  do  not  prescribe
            any  particular  oxidation  technique  for  TOC     Results  between  85  -  115%  are  acceptable.
            determination. The TOC systems, however,            The ultrapure water sample corresponds to
            must  be  able  to  differentiate  between          the guidelines when its response  signal (r u)
            inorganic  and  organic  carbon.  This  can  be     does not exceed r s - r w.
            carried out either via removal of the inorganic
            carbon  (NPOC  method),  or  via  a  separate
            determination (difference
            method).  The  limit  of  detection  for  TOC
            should be at least 0.05 mg /L. The
            applicability  of  the  method  must  be
            determined via a system suitability test.
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