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            The integrated ISP sample preparation unit          detection limit (0.5µg/L) and excellent
            (an 8-position switching valve with syringe         reproducibility  in  the  lower  ppb  range.  The
            and  sparging  gas  connection)  considerably       TOC-V WP/WS  is  therefore  highly  suitable  for
            reduces  the  users’  workload,  as  the            TOC determination in the ultra-trace range.
            instrument  carries out dilution, acidification
            and sparging fully automatically.                   TOC-V WP Sample measurement
                                                                Method:       NPOC (3% Acid, 3 min sparge)
                                                                Persulfatsol.: 1,5mL
                                                                Injection vol.:  20,4 mL
                                                                Result:  2,44 ± 0,42 µg/L TOC (NPOC)

                 Fig. NPOC- Calibration (Blank and 500µg/L)

            When  using  the  high  sensitivity  catalyst,  the
            detection limit is approximately  4µg/L. In
            addition,  the  combustion  technique  can  be          Abb. Peak graphik of TOC-V WP measurement
            used in combination with the TNM-L module,
            whereby  a  single  injection  is  sufficient  for   ■ Conclusions
            simultaneous determination of the total bound       Both types of instruments with their different
            nitrogen.       Simultaneous        TOC/TN b        oxidation methods can be used for TOC
            determination is highly  suitable for cleaning      determination according to the European
            validation, as this enables differential            Pharmacopoeia. The advantage of the
            determination  between  cleaning  agent  and        combustion method is its high oxidation
            product.                                            potential, particularly for samples containing
                                                                particulate matter. Moreover, simultaneous
            ■ TOC-V WP/WS: Wet chemical oxidation               TOC/TNb measurements can be carried out,
            The  key  technique  of  the  TOC-V WP/WS           leading to a higher information content of the
            analyzer  is  the  powerful  oxidation  via  the    analysis. The advantage of wet-chemical
            combination of sodium persulfate and UV             oxidation is its high injection volume, which
            oxidation at 80 °C. The TOC-V WP/WS features        leads to higher sensitivity and therefore
            an automatic reagent  preparation function          enables high precision measurements in the
            that eliminates possible contamination of the       lower ppb range.
            persulfate  solution. This ensures that the
            TOC value truly originates from the sample –        ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
            and not from the reagent solution used. The         TOC-L  CPH with high sensitivity catalyst
            large injection  volume  (up  to  20.4  mL)  in     ASI-L (40ml), External Sparge-Kit.
            combination  with  the  highly  sensitive  NDIR
            detector, leads to an extremely low                 TOC-V WP with ASI-V (40ml)
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