Page 17 - 2_Pharmaceutical industry
P. 17

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC – Determination according to USP 661.2
                                         Testing of Plastic Packaging Systems and their
                                         Materials of Construction

            In the  pharmaceutical industry plastic             The TOC  Parameter  as an indicator for
            packaging  is  used  in  various  forms  –  for     extractable  organic  material  is  part  of  the
            example  for  intravenous  bags,  bottles,          physio-chemical  characteristics  that  must  be
            cartridges   or   pre-filled  syringes.  The        determined.
            packaging  must be tested for  suitability for      For testing  the packaging system,  it is filled
            these uses. It is published in USP 39-NF34,         with ultra-pure water, sealed and heated in an
            which will be valid from May 2016.                  autoclave. The temperature  and dwell time
                                                                depend in the plastic used. In order to
            Besides to the change of the title “Plastic         determine the blank value, ultra-pure water is
            Packaging  Systems  and  their  materials  of       poured into a glass flask and heated to the
            Construction”,   two   new    chapters    are       same temperature. The TOC of both solutions
            established.                                        is determined. The difference between the two

            This application note is related to the second      measured  TOC  values  should  not  exceed
            chapter 661.2.                                      8mg/L.

                                                                ■ TOC determination in pharmaceutical
                                                                The    TOC    determination   is   performed
                                                                according to the USP<643>. This  regulation
                                                                describes  the  TOC  determination  for  pure
                                                                water, purified water and water for injection. It
                                                                does  not  prescribe  any  particular  oxidation
                                                                technique for TOC determination.
                                                                The TOC systems, however, must be able to
                                                                differentiate between inorganic and organic
                                                                carbon.  This  can  be  carried  out  either  via
                                                                removal of the inorganic carbon (NPOC
                                                                method), or via a separate determination
                                                                (difference method). The limit of detection for
                                                                TOC should be at least 0.05 mg /L. The
                                                                applicability of the method must be determined
                                                                via a system suitability test.
                                                                However,  material  extracts  may  have  TOC
                                                                values that are higher than those of purified
                                                                water    because    of   extracted   organic
            ■ 661.2 Plastic packaging system                    substances.
            This chapter deals with the required testing of     Thus the TOC analyses performed should
            the final packaging  system since packaging         have a limit of detection of 0,2mg/L and should
            often  consists  of  than  one  plastic  material.   have a demonstrated linear dynamic range
            Characterization  takes  place  by  identifying     from 0,2 – 20mg/L.
            and determining the biocompatibility, general
            physicochemical properties and Additives.
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