Page 70 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 70

Analysis of styrene leached from polystyrene cups
       using GCMS coupled with Headspace (HS) sampler


          • HS-GCMS method was developed for quantitation of styrene leached from polystyrene cup. Part method validation was
           performed. Results obtained for reproducibility, linearity, LOQ and recovery studies were within acceptable criteria.
          • With low carryover, the characteristic feature of HS-20 headspace, reproducibility even at very low concentration level
           could be achieved easily.
          • Ultra Fast Scan Speed 20,000 u/sec is the characteristic feature of GCMS-QP2010 Ultra mass spectrometer, useful for
           quantitation of styrene at very low level (ppb level) with high sensitivity.


          [1]  Maqbool Ahmad, Ahmad S. Bajahlan, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 19, (2007), 422, 424.
          [2]  M. S. Taw ka; A. Huyghebaerta, Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants, Volume 15, (1998), 595.

                                                                                                     First Edition: June, 2014

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