Page 73 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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Application  No.J99"

                                Table 5  Calculation by Option 3: Finished Product
                                      Concentration (μg/g) = PDE (μg/day)/Daily intake of drug product (g/day)
                                                    PDE (μg)               Maximum Permitted Concentration (μg/g)
                           Daily Intake (g)  Pb   As      Pd       Ni      Pb       As      Pd       Ni
                Drug Product   2.5        5       15      100     200       2       6       40      80

            Q Sample                                           Q Analysis
            · Ophthalmic solution                              Quantitative analysis of the 24 elements subject to the
            · Tablet (Daily intake: 1 tablet (0.2 g))          ICH Q3D guidelines was conducted using the calibration
                                                               curve-internal standard method, and spike-and-recovery
                                                               testing was also conducted.

            Q Sample Preparation                               Q Analytical Results
            1. Pretreatment of sample (ophthalmic solution)    Table 7 shows the results of analysis of the ophthalmic
            To 2 mL of sample (approximately 2 g), add 0.5 mL   solution. The PDE value of the ophthalmic solution was
            hydrochloric acid, 0.5 mL nitric acid and internal   used as the parenteral value. Table 8 shows the results of
            standard element Y (0.5 mg/L based on measurement   the tablet analysis. Good results were obtained in the
            solution concentration). Adjust the volume to 10 mL   spike-and-recovery testing for each of the samples (Tables
            using distilled water to use as the measurement    7 and 8 ). In addition, the detection limit calculated as the
            solution (5-fold dilution). A spike-and-recovery test   concentration in the sample (Tables 7 and 8 ) adequately
            solution was prepared using a similarly prepared   satisfied the permitted concentrations (Tables 7 and 8 ).
            solution spiked with a standard solution of the
            measurement element.
            2. Pretreatment of tablet sample                   Q Conclusion
            Two tablets (daily dosage of 1 tablet per day (0.20 g))   Use of the ICPE-9820 permits quick, accurate analysis
            were dissolved with 3 mL hydrochloric acid and 2 mL   of the 24 elements specified in the ICH Q3D guideline.
            nitric acid using a microwave sample preparation
            system and a sample pretreatment quartz vessel.
            After conducting microwave digestion, the solution
            volume was adjusted to 20 mL with distilled water to   1) Impurities in New Drug Substances (No. 1216001, issued by the
            use as the measurement solution (50-fold dilution). At   Evaluation and Licensing Division, the Pharmaceutical and Food
            this time, the internal standard elements Y and In (Y at   Safety Bureau, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and
            0.5 mg/L and In at 1.0 mg/L) were added to the
                                                               2) First Supplement of the Sixteenth Edition of the Japanese
            solution. Also, prior to digestion, the measurement   Pharmacopoeia
            element was added to prepare a spike-and-recovery   3) ICH Q3D: Guideline for Elemental Impurities (STEP4)
            test solution.

            Q Instrument and Analytical Conditions
            Measurement was conducted using the Shimadzu ICPE-
            9820 multi-type ICP atomic emission spectrometer. The
            measurement conditions are shown in Table 6.
            The ICPE-9820 is a spectrometer that uses the latest
            CCD, permitting simultaneous measurement of all
            elements and all wavelengths, while its high-sensitivity
            axial observation permits high-throughput
            measurement. Further, the high-temperature plasma
            generated by the mini torch assures high sensitivity with
            low ionization interference to provide acquisition of
            accurate values. In addition, the mini-torch plasma
            produced by low-flowrate argon gas, the Eco mode
            and the vacuum spectrometer greatly reduce running

                         Table 6  Analytical Conditions
                    Instrument     : ICPE-9820
                    Radio frequency power  : 1.2 kW
                    Plasma gas Flowrate   : 10 L/min
                    Auxiliary gas Flowrate   : 0.6 L/min
                    Carrier gas Flowrate   : 0.7 L/min
                    Sample introduction   : Nebulizer 10
                    Misting chamber   : Cyclone chamber
                    Plasma torch   : Mini-Torch
                    Observation    : Axial (AX) / Radial (RD)
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