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            Application                  Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis by ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometry in

                                         Accordance with the ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental
            No.J99"                      Impurities Using ICPE-9820

            Q Introduction                                     QOutline of the ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental
            Analysis of elemental impurities is one of the safety   Impurities
            assessments required in the field of pharmaceuticals. In   In the ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental Impurities, 24
            Japan, residual metal catalysts are classified as inorganic   elemental impurities were identified as elements of
            impurities according to the guidelines for Impurities in   concern due to their toxicity, and permitted daily
            New Drug Substances (No. 1216001, issued by the    exposure limits (PDE) were established. The elements
            Evaluation and Licensing Division, the Pharmaceutical   include lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and
            and Food Safety Bureau, the Japanese Ministry of   arsenic (As), referred to as the "big four," as well as
            Health, Labour and Welfare), and are to be detected   residual metal catalysts added intentionally in the
            appropriately according to the method specified in the   synthesis of a drug substance. Table 1 shows the
            Japanese Pharmacopoeia, and evaluated at the stage of   ICH Q3D Guideline (STEP4).
            drug development. At the International Conference on   As permitted exposure values for the elemental
            Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for        impurities have been set as PDE values, the PDE values
            Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: ICH,   must be converted to concentrations to evaluate the
            various guidelines were established and harmonized   elemental impurity components in the formulations or
            between Japan, Europe, and the US, including       their component substances. As calculation methods,
            guidelines for elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals,   options 1, 2a, 2b, and 3 are available. Therefore, as
            referred to as the ICH Q3D, Guideline for Elemental   long as the formulation is appropriate for the PDE value
            Impurities.                                        of the elemental impurity, any of the methods may be
            For the analysis of elemental impurities, the methods   selected. Calculation examples for the respective
            specified for use as general analytical methods in the   options are shown in Table 2 to Table 5.
            First Supplement of the Sixteenth Edition of the
            Japanese Pharmacopoeia include inductively coupled
            plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES),
            inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-
            MS), and atomic absorption spectrometry. Of these,
            ICP-AES is the most convenient, offering quick and easy
            multi-element analysis, and low running costs.
            Here, we conducted analysis of 24 elements according
            to the ICH Q3D guidelines using the Shimadzu ICPE-
            9820 multi-type ICP atomic emission spectrometer. The
            ICPE-9820 offers simultaneous all element analysis with
            high sensitivity and high precision, while delivering high
            throughput. Low running costs are achieved by a
            unique combination of the reduced-flow mini-torch and
            vacuum optics, thereby reducing the overall
            consumption of argon.

                               Table 1  Permitted Daily Exposure for Elemental Impurities of ICH Q3D (STEP4)
                                   Oral    Parenteral   Inhalation                 Oral    Parenteral   Inhalation
                Class   Element                                 Class   Element
                                  μg/day    μg/day    μg/day                       μg/day   μg/day    μg/day
                          As        15       15        2                  Pt        100       10        1
                          Cd        5         2        2                  Se        150       80       130
                          Hg        30        3        1         2B       Rh        100       10        1
                          Pb        5         5        5                  Ru        100       10        1
                          Co        50        5        3                  Tl          8        8        8
                2A        Ni       200       20        5                  Ba       1400      700       300
                          V        100       10        1                  Cr       11000    1100        3
                          Ag       150       10        7                  Cu       3000      300       30
                          Au       100      100        1         3         Li       550      250       25
                2B        Ir       100       10        1                  Mo       3000     1500       10
                          Os       100       10        1                  Sb       1200       90       20
                          Pd       100       10        1                  Sn       6000      600       60
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75