Page 67 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 67

Analysis of styrene leached from polystyrene cups
       using GCMS coupled with Headspace (HS) sampler

                        Chromatographic parameters
                          • Column            : Rxi-5Sil MS (30 m L x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25  m)
                          • Injection Mode    : Split
                          • Split Ratio       : 10.0
                          • Carrier Gas       : Helium
                          • Flow Control Mode   : Linear Velocity
                          • Linear Velocity   : 36.3 cm/sec
                          • Pressure          : 53.5 kPa
                          • Column Flow       : 1.00 mL/min
                          • Total Flow        : 14.0 mL/min
                          • Total Program Time   : 12.42 min
                          • Column Oven Temp.   : Rate (ºC /min)   Temperature (ºC)   Hold time (min)
                                                                    50.0             0.00
                                                  40.00            200.0             1.00
                                                  30.00            280.0             5.00

                        Mass Spectrometry parameters

                          • Ion Source Temp.   : 200 ºC
                          • Interface Temp.   : 230 ºC
                          • Ionization Mode    : EI
                          • Event Time        : 0.20 sec
                          • Mode              : SIM
                          • m/z               : 104,103 and 78
                          • Start Time        : 1.00 min
                          • End Time          : 5.00 min


          Fragmentation of styrene
          Mass spectrum of styrene is shown in Figure 4. From the   with m/z 104, 103 and 78 is shown in Figure 5.
          mass spectrum, base peak of m/z 104 was used for      Method validation data is summarized in Table 2. Figures 6
          quantitation where as m/z 103 and 78 were used as     and 7 show overlay of SIM chromatograms for m/z 104 at
          reference ions.                                       linearity levels and calibration curve respectively.
          SIM chromatogram of 50 ppb standard styrene solution

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