Page 65 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 65

Analysis of styrene leached from polystyrene cups
       using GCMS coupled with Headspace (HS) sampler


          Worldwide studies have revealed the negative impacts of   body and can therefore disrupt normal hormonal
          household disposable polystyrene cups (Figure 1) on   functions. This could also lead to breast and prostate
          human health and environment.                         cancer.
          Molecular structure of styrene is shown in Figure 2. Styrene   The objective of this study is to develop a sensitive,
          is considered as a possible human carcinogen by the WHO   selective, accurate and reliable method for styrene
          and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).    determination using low carryover headspace sampler,
          Migration of styrene from polystyrene cups containing   HS-20 coupled with Ultra Fast Scan Speed 20,000 u/sec,
          beverages has been observed.  Styrene enters into our   GCMS-QP2010 Ultra to assess the risk involved in using
          body through the food we take, mimics estrogens in the   polystyrene cups.

                          Figure 1. Polystyrene cup                        Figure 2. Structure of styrene

          Method of Analysis

          Extraction of styrene from polystyrene cups
          This study was carried out by extracting styrene from commercially available polystyrene cups and recoveries were
          established by spiking polystyrene cups with standard solution of styrene. Solutions were prepared as follows,

          1)  Standard Stock Solution:
             1000 ppm of styrene standard stock solution in DMF: Water-50:50 (v/v) was prepared. It was further diluted with
             water to make 100 ppm and 1 ppm of standard styrene solutions.
          2)  Calibration Curve:
             Calibration curve was plotted using standard styrene solutions in the concentration range of 1 to 50 ppb with water as
             a diluent. 5 mL of each standard styrene solution was transferred in separate 20 mL headspace vials and crimped with
             automated crimper.
          3)  Sample Preparation:
             150 mL of boiling water (around 100 ºC)  was poured into polystyrene cups. The cup was covered with aluminium foil
             and kept at room temperature for 1 hour. After an hour, 5 mL of sample from the cup was transferred into the 20 mL
             headspace vial and crimped with automated crimper.

          Method was partly validated to support the findings by performing reproducibility, linearity, LOD, LOQ and recovery
          studies. For validation, solutions of different concentrations were prepared using standard stock solution of styrene (1000
          ppm) as mentioned in Table 1.

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