Page 74 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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Application  No.J99"

                                               Table 7  Analytical Results of Eye Drop
                                                                                                   *2 Converted
                          PDE value for   *3 Permitted  Post-treatment   Spike   concentration   *1 Spike-and-  detection limit (3М)
                Element    parenteral  concentration  concentration  concentration  (Eye drop)  recovery rate  in ophthalmic
                              μg         μg/mL       μg/mL       μg/mL       μg/mL        %          μg/mL
                  As          15          15           3          1          <DL         104         0.04
                  Cd           2           2           0.4        0.4        <DL         101         0.0006
                  Hg           3           3           0.6        0.3        <DL         105         0.007
                  Pb           5           5           1          0.3        <DL         102         0.01
                  Co           5           5           1          0.3        <DL          95         0.001
                  Ni          20          20           4          0.5        <DL         104         0.003
                  V           10          10           2          0.5        <DL          98         0.0008
                  Ag          10          10           2          0.5        <DL         104         0.0008
                  Au          100         100         20          0.5        <DL          99         0.006
                  Ir          10          10           2          0.5        <DL         101         0.01
                  Os          10          10           2          0.5        <DL         103         0.006
                  Pd          10          10           2          0.5        <DL         102         0.004
                  Pt          10          10           2          0.5        <DL          99         0.02
                  Se          80          80          16          0.5        <DL         103         0.02
                  Rh          10          10           2          0.5        <DL          95         0.007
                  Ru          10          10           2          0.5        <DL         103         0.003
                  Tl           8           8           1.6        0.5        <DL          95         0.02
                  Ba          700         700         140         0.5        <DL          96         0.0006
                  Cr         1100        1100         220         0.5        <DL          97         0.002
                  Cu          300         300         60          0.5        <DL          96         0.002
                  Li          250         250         50          0.5        <DL          99         0.01
                 Mo          1500        1500         300         0.5        <DL         100         0.003
                  Sb          90          90          18          0.5        <DL         103         0.01
                  Sn          600         600         120         0.5        <DL         100         0.01
            PDE value for parenteral
            Permitted concentration   : When 1 mL of the ophthalmic solution is used per day (Option 3 is used when calculating
                                      the conversion to the PDE concentration)
            Post-treatment concentration  : The permitted concentration in the measurement sample after pretreatment of the sample
            Spike concentration      : Concentration of spiking solution in spike-and-recovery testing
            Converted detection limit (3М) in ophthalmic solution: Detection limit (3М) in measurement solution × Dilution factor (5)
            <DL: Below the detection limit (3М)

                                                Table 8  Analytical Results of Tablet
                                      *3 Permitted  Post-treatment   Spike            *1 Spike-and-  *2 Tablet converted
                         PDE value for oral                               concentration
                Element               concentration  concentration  concentration  (Tablet)  recovery rate  detection limit (3М
                              μg         μg/g       μg/mL        μg/mL       μg/g         %          μg/g
                  As          15          75           1.5        0.5        <DL         107         0.5
                 Cd            5          25           0.5        0.1        <DL         100         0.007
                 Hg           30          150          3          1          <DL         101         0.1
                  Pb           5          25           0.5        0.1        <DL          98         0.07
                 Co           50          250          5          1          <DL         101         0.01
                  Ni          200        1000         20          1           0.1        100         0.03
                  V           100         500         10          1          <DL         103         0.01
                 Ag           150         750         15          1          <DL         104         0.02
                 Au           100         500         10          1          <DL         105         0.03
                  Ir          100         500         10          1          <DL         100         0.09
                  Os          100         500         10          1          <DL          85         0.04
                  Pd          100         500         10          1          <DL         106         0.05
                  Pt          100         500         10          1          <DL         102         0.3
                  Se          150         750         15          1          <DL         108         0.3
                  Rh          100         500         10          1          <DL         101         0.1
                  Ru          100         500         10          1          <DL         100         0.03
                  Tl           8          40           0.8        0.1        <DL         103         0.2
                  Ba         1400        7000        140          1          <DL         102         0.003
                  Cr        11000       55000       1100          1          <DL         101         0.02
                 Cu          3000       15000        300          1          <DL         105         0.05
                  Li          550        2750         55          1          <DL         104         0.1
                 Mo          3000       15000        300          1          <DL         101         0.03
                  Sb         1200        6000        120          1          <DL         105         0.1
                  Sn         6000       30000        600          1          <DL         100         0.03
            PDE value for oral
            Permitted concentration   : Permitted concentration in daily intake (0.2 g) (Option 3 is used for calculation of conversion
                                      from PDE to concentration)
            Post-treatment concentration : Permitted limit concentration in measurement solution following sample pretreatment
            Spike concentration      : Concentration of the added spike-and-recovery test solution
            Tablet converted detection limit (3М): Detection limit (3М) in measurement solution Dilution factor (50)
            <DL: Below the detection limit (3М)
                                                                                                     4FDPOE Edition: +VO. 201
                                                                                                      First Edition: Sep. 2014

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2014
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