Page 38 - Clinical-Medical Solution for Clinical Chemistry
P. 38

Determination of Unbound Urinary Amino Acids Incorporated
       with Creatinine Normalization by LC-MS/MS Method with
       CLAM-2000 Online Sample Pre-treatment


          Free or unbound amino acids are important metabolites in   22 free amino acids and creatinine in urine samples. A
          human blood and urine [1]. The pro le of unbound amino   derivatization-free LC-MS/MS amino acid method [5] with
          acids in urine are the reference indication of metabolic   stable isotope labelled IS was employed. An on-line sample
          imbalances and amino acid transport disorders as well as   pre-treatment module CLAM-2000 coupled with
          dietary protein adequacy and assimilation. Creatinine   LC-MS/MS makes the analysis fully-automated, which
          produced by muscle metabolism is excreted in the urine,   enables from adding internal standards, sample and
          which can be used to normalize the metabolite levels to   solvent mixing, shaking for protein-crash and  ltration to
          compensate the large variation due to different intakes of   transferring the  nal sample solution to LC-MS/MS for
          water and  uid food [2-4]. The aim of this study is to   analysis.
          develop a reliable LC-MS/MS method for quantitation of


          A stock solution of 22 amino acids (AA) and creatinine   sample preparation automatically for a connected
          (CRE) were prepared from powder standards. Two        LC-MS/MS system. The automated operation includes
          isotope-labelled amino acid standards, phenylalanine   adding IS, sample-solvent mixing, shaking and  ltration
          (ring-d5) and serine (2,3,3-d3) were added to the samples   etc. The prepared sample was subsequently transferred to
          as internal standard by CLAM-2000 prior to LC-MS/MS   LC-MS/MS triple quadrupole system (LCMS-8040) for
          analysis. A total of 28 urine samples were collected from   analysis (Figure 1). An Amino Acid Column (100x3mm,
          health individuals of different ages and genders and used   3µm) was adopted for separation of the 22 compounds
          for amino acid analysis in this study. The CLAM-2000 is an   with an optimized gradient elution program. The detailed
          automated on-line sample pre-treatment module         LC and MS/MS conditions are compiled in Table 1.
          (Shimadzu Corporation), which was employed for urine

                       Automated process takes 3 to 5 minutes per sample

                Sample       Reagent      Shaking      Filtration   Heating      Sample    Samples are transferred to
                Pipetting    Pipetting                                           Transfer    LC-MS/MS automatically.

                         Figure 1:  Work ow of CLAM-2000: a fully automated sample preparation module coupled with LCMS-8040

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