Page 41 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 41

Electromagnetic Force Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System

            Shimadzu Servopulser series electromagnetic force dynamic and fatigue testing systems feature electromagnetic actuators with extremely high
            frequency response. In combination with a closed-loop control system, they allow testing in a clean environment at high speeds or with stroke
            lengths ranging from micro to long.                                                                     EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System

                    With No Hydraulic Oil Required,
                    Maintenance Is Easy

            Generates no environmentally unfriendly waste oil.
            Requires no hydraulic oil,  lters, or other consumables.

                    Energy Ef ciency

            The eco-friendly operation uses electricity ef ciently based on the test force.                         EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
            Power consumption is minimized to only what is required.
            Since the system is clean, it will not contaminate the installation site.

                    High-Speed High-Accuracy Testing

            Performs tests with strokes ranging from micro to long at high speeds and high
            frequencies. This allows dynamic testing with high accuracy.

                    Low Noise                 Space Saving

            Electromagnetic actuators are quieter than hydraulic actuators, which require a
            hydraulic power supply unit. The low noise provides more freedom in selecting
            an installation site.                                                                                   Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
            The only things required are the main testing machine unit and controller.
            Requires less space than electric-hydraulic dynamic testing machines.

                 Electromagnetic Actuators                                            F

                 The section that generates test forces consists of a permanent magnet and a force
                 coil, where the magnet is  xed and the coil moves up and down. Applying an
                                                                              N     S    N
                 electrical current to the coil generates an electromagnetic force F that is
                 proportional to the coil current. This relationship is expressed by the following
                 F=2   nBl  r :  Coil radius
                         n :  Number of coil turns
                         B :  Magnetic  ux density of magnet                                                         Various Dynamic Testing Systems
                          l :  Coil current

                 The micro test load is controlled with high accuracy by generating the
                 electromagnetic force through the control of coil current I using the closed loop

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