Page 9 - Shimadzu SolidSpec-3700i
P. 9

Large Sample Compartment Accommodates a

 Wide Variety of Samples.

 The SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV have large sample   the sample compartment and an entire sample area of   A wide variety of accessories, such as absolute   performed with the optional Automatic X–Y Stage
 compartments which allow large samples to be   12 inches or 310 × 310 mm is measurable by mounting   specular reflectance attachments and relative   by inputting the intervals and the rotation angles
 measured without sample destruction. Their internal   the Automatic X–Y stage (optional). The vertical optical   specular reflectance attachments, expand the   for the sample.
 dimensions are 900W × 700D × 350H mm. A sample with   path makes it possible to perform transmission or   application range. Automatic measurements can be
 a maximum size of 700W × 560D × 40H mm can be set in   reflectance measurements of large samples.
                 Automatic Measurement
 Large Sample Compartment
            Automatic X–Y Stage (Optional)
            The Automatic X–Y Stage developed for the SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV enables automatic measurements for the
            points specified in advance while maintaining the nitrogen gas purge.

                      12 inch Silicon Wafer on Automatic X–Y Stage           Input of Intervals and Rotation Angles

              Direct Measurement of Liquid Samples and Solid Samples without Integrating Sphere

             Direct Detection Unit (Optional)
            The SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV can measure samples   mounting the Direct Detection Unit (DDU-DUV) in the
 Large Sample Compartment  with an integrating sphere as the standard detection   SolidSpec-3700i DUV, measurements down to 165 nm (note)
 A sample of 700W × 560D mm is set in the sample compartment.  system. However, some samples require measurement   are possible. Measurements with the Direct Detection
            without using an integrating sphere. The Direct     Unit can be performed simply by switching a mirror.
            Detection Unit was created for just such instances. By
 Three Dimensional Optical Path

 The three-dimensional optical path enables
 non-destructive measurement of large samples, without
 having to cut them smaller. In the optical path of previous
 models, light only traveled horizontally, but the new
 models include a three-dimensional optical path (U.S.
 patent 6583872) with light also traveling in the vertical
 direction. Samples can be placed horizontally, which
 makes it easier to place large samples.

                    Measurement of Film Sample with Direct Detection Unit  Measurement of Liquid Sample with Direct Detection Unit

            Note) In order to measure below 190 nm with SolidSpec-3700i DUV, nitrogen gas purging is required to remove interfering oxygen molecules inside of
 Three Dimensional Optical Path  the SolidSpec-3700i DUV. The measurable range for the SolidSpec-3700i with the optional Direct Detection Unit is 190 nm to 3300 nm.

                                                                            SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV
 8                                                                                                 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer  9
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