Page 7 - Shimadzu SolidSpec-3700i
P. 7

Wide Measurement Wavelength Range (SolidSpec-3700i DUV)

 The development of precise laser machining using an ultraviolet laser such as an ArF excimer laser enhances   Integrating Sphere for Deep Ultraviolet Measurement
 the requirement for transmittance or reflectance measurements of optical parts in the deep ultraviolet region.
 The SolidSpec-3700i DUV (note 1)  enables measurement in the range of 175 nm to 2600 nm (note 2)  with an integrating
 sphere and the range of 165 nm to 3300 nm (note 3)  by mounting the optional Direct Detection Unit DUV. With this   150.000
 additional unit, the range from deep ultraviolet to near-infrared is now measurable.  Spectra with low noise can be obtained even for wavelengths
                                                                near 190 nm, which are difficult to measure accurately using a
                                                                regular spectrophotometer.
                                                                The ability to measure spectra in this wavelength range is
 Nitrogen Gas Purge  120.000                                    especially helpful when measuring semiconductor materials used
                                                                for ArF excimer lasers.
 Oxygen molecules in the atmosphere absorb   T%
 ultraviolet light under 190 nm. Nitrogen gas   100.000
 purging for both the optical and the sample
 compartment is required to remove the
 interfering oxygen molecules. Since the   80.000
 SolidSpec-3700i DUV has purge inlets for
 each compartment, efficient nitrogen gas
 purge is possible so that the time required for   60.000  The 100% baseline spectra measured on the SolidSpec-3700i DUV with an
 purging after sample replacement is reduced,             integrating sphere for deep ultraviolet measurement and the SolidSpec-3700i
                                                          with a normal integrating sphere are shown in the left figure.
 and high sensitivity with lower stray light in   50.000  200.00  250.00  300.00
 the deep UV region is achieved.   nm
                     : SolidSpec-3700i DUV with an integrating sphere for the deep
                       ultraviolet measurement
                     : SolidSpec-3700i with a normal integrating sphere

            Example of Deep Ultraviolet Region measurement

 Integrating Sphere and Photomultiplier for the Deep Ultraviolet Region  In order to perform high-accuracy measurements in the deep UV
                                                                region, a sufficient quantity of light and significant low stray
               60.000                                           light are required. The transmission spectrum of a silica plate
 Materials which do not absorb deep                             measured with the Direct Detection Unit DDU-DUV (optional) is
 ultraviolet light are required to be used as                   shown in the left figure. Spectra with significantly lower noise
 the window material for the detector and                       are obtainable in the ultraviolet region.
 the material for the inside of the
 integrating sphere to enable performance   T%
 in the deep ultraviolet region. The
 SolidSpec-3700i DUV or D 2 lamp uses a
 PMT detector with fused silica as the
 window material and an integrating   20.000
 sphere with resin that has highly reflective
 characteristics in the deep ultraviolet
 Integrating Sphere for Deep Ultraviolet  Photomultiplier for Deep Ultraviolet  region as the inside material.
                 165.00 170.00  180.00   190.00   200.00  Transmission Spectra of Silica Plate
 Note 1) In order to measure the range below 190 nm with the SolidSpec-3700i DUV, nitrogen gas purge is required to remove interference from oxygen molecules inside the SolidSpec-3700i DUV.   : Transmission spectrum of Silica plate measured with nitrogen purge
 Note 2) The measurable range for SolidSpec-3700i is 240 nm to 2600 nm.
 Note 3) The measurable range for SolidSpec-3700i with the optional Direct Detection Unit is 190 nm to 3300 nm.  : Transmission spectrum of Silica plate measured without nitrogen purge

                                                                            SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV
 6                                                                                                 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer  7
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