Page 13 - Shimadzu SolidSpec-3700i
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Optional Software  Guide to Selecting Accessories

 Optional software adds various data analysis functions to the spectral evaluation functionality in LabSolutions UV-Vis.  In order for UV-Vis and NIR spectrophotometers to perform their full functions, it is necessary to select the
 Pass/fail criteria can also be specified for data analysis results.  appropriate accessories for the application field and sample properties. A wide variety of accessories are
            available to support a wide range of applications, from basic measurement such as transmission and
            relative/absolute reflection measurement, to multi-sample and micro-sample measurement. Please refer to the
 Color Calculation Software  UV-VIS Series Accessories handbook (C101-E070) for details.
 (P/N 207-24528-91)  Solid Samples
             Samples        Measurement Method and Conditions                    Accessories
 This software is used to calculate the color value of measured substances based   Less than 3 mm thick  Standard Sample Compartment + Film Holder, Cell Type Sample Holder,
                                                         Glass/Film Holder for Standard Sample Compartment
 on measured spectra. It can also display color diagrams, such as by plotting   More than 3 mm thick  Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
 color coordinates in an XYZ color system or plotting CIELAB lightness index or   Transmittance measurement  Requires a large integrating sphere  Integrating Sphere Attachment, 150 mm Dia. (ISR-1503, ISR-1503F)
 color coordinate values.          (due to ISO compliance and other reasons).
                                   Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  Large-Sample Compartment (MPC-2600A/603A or SolidSpec-3700i) Glass Sample Holder for MPC series/SolidSpec
                          Relative specular  Normal measurement  Specular Reflectance Measurement Attachment (5° incident angle)
 • It includes the major calculation parameters, such as the XYZ color system,   reflectance
             Smooth       measurement  Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  SolidSpec-3700i + Large Specular Reflectance Measurement Attachment (5° incident angle)
 CIELAB, CIELUV, Munsell color system, mentalism, yellowness, whiteness, and   Surface  Absolute Specular Reflectance Attachment (ASR-3105) (Requires a Large-Sample Compartment and
             Samples*              5° incident angle measurement  BIS-3100/3700/603 Sample Base Plate Integrating Sphere Set separately).
 color difference.        Absolute specular  12°/30°/45° incident angle  Absolute Specular Reflectance Attachment (ASR-3112, ASR-3130, ASR-3145) (Requires a Large-Sample
 • Colors relevant to JIS and ASTM standards can be calculated.*  Reflectance  reflectance  measurement  Compartment, BIS-3100/3700/603 Sample Base Plate Integrating Sphere Set, and polarizer assembly separately.)
 • Measurement illuminants, viewing angle, and other parameters can be   Variable incident angle measurement  Variable Angle Measurement Unit (Requires large-sample compartment and polarizer assembly separately.)
 specified for the various types of calculation.  Relative diffuse  Normal measurement  Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
                          reflectance  Requires a large integrating sphere  Integrating Sphere Attachment, 150 mm Dia. (ISR-1503, ISR-1503F)
                          measurement  (due to ISO compliance and other reasons).
 Film Thickness Calculation Software   Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  Large-Sample Compartment (MPC-2600A/603A, or SolidSpec-3700i)
                                   Normal measurement
                                                         Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
 (P/N 207-24528-91)  Transmittance measurement  Requires a large integrating sphere  Integrating Sphere Attachment, 150 mm Dia. (ISR-1503, ISR-1503F)
                                   (due to ISO compliance and other reasons).
 This software is used to calculate film thickness from measured spectra based   Rough  Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  Large-Sample Compartment (MPC-2600A/603A, or SolidSpec-3700i)
 on the interference interval method. (Calculating the film thickness requires   Surface  Relative diffuse  Normal measurement  Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
             Sample**              Requires a large integrating sphere
 entering the refractive index of the sample.)  Reflectance  reflectance  (due to ISO compliance and other reasons).  Integrating Sphere Attachment, 150 mm Dia. (ISR-1503, ISR-1503F)
                  measurement      Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  Large-Sample Compartment (MPC-2600A/603A, or SolidSpec-3700i)
 • The interference interval method calculates the film thickness based on   Absolute diffuse reflectance measurement  Consult your Shimadzu representative.
                                                         (Depends on the sample. A method using conversion from the mirror reflectance, for instance, is available.)
    the interval between interference peaks (or valleys). The incident angle   Large sample size (over 100 mm square)  Large-Sample Compartment (MPC-2600A/603A, or SolidSpec-3700i)
    and wavelength range for film thickness calculations and peak (or valley)   Small sample size (below 5 mm square)  Micro Sample Holder + Micro Beam Lens Unit
    detection parameters can be specified.  * Metals with a mirror-finished surface, mirrors, transparent acrylic and films, etc.
            ** Paper, cloth, plastics, semi-transparent films, etc.
            For color measurement, the Color Analysis Software or LabSolutions UV-Vis Color Calculation Software is required separately. For film thickness measurement, the Film Thickness Calculation
            Software is required separately.
 Solar Radiation Calculation Software   Liquid Samples
 (P/N 207-25806-91)  Samples       Measurement Method and Conditions                   Accessories
                    Sample volume: 2.5 mL min.                       Standard Sample Compartment + 10 mm Cell
 This software is used to calculate solar transmittance/reflectance based on measured   1 mL min.  Semi-Micro Cell + Micro Cell Holder with Mask
 spectra.                                500  L min.                 Micro Cell + Micro Cell Holder with Mask
                    Micro-volume measurement
                                         50  L min.                  Super-micro Cell + Super-micro Cell Holder
 • It includes major calculation parameters, such as visible light transmittance/  For automatically measuring samples in multiple cells  MMC-1600 8/16 Series Micro Multi-Cell Holders and Cells
                    Samples with high absorbance, but that are difficult to dilute (short optical path measurement)  Short-Path Cell (1, 2, 5 mm) + Spacer for Short-Path Cell
 reflectance, total light transmittance/reflectance, near-infrared reflectance,
                    Samples with low absorbance, but that are difficult to concentrate (long optical path measurement)  Long-Path Cell (20, 30, 50, 100 mm) + Long-Path Rectangular Cell Holder
 ultraviolet ray transmittance, CIE damage factor, and skin damage factor.
                               Normal measurement                    Multi-Cell Sample Compartment (sample volume: 2.5 mL min.)
 • Parameters relevant to JIS, ISO, and GB/T standards can be calculated.*  For automatically  Small sample volumes (50  L min.)  MMC-1600 8/16 Series Micro Multi-Cell Holders and Cells
                    measuring samples
             Transparent  in multiple cells  Requires temperature control  CPS-100 Six-Cell Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Positioner
             Samples                                                 (sample volume: 2.5 mL min.)
                    For temperature-  Temperature-controlled with water circulation  Constant-Temperature Cell Holder + NTT-2200P Constant-Temperature Water Circulator
 UPF Calculation Software  controlled  Thermoelectrically  Normal measurement  TCC-100 Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Holder
 (P/N 207-25806-91)  (constant-  temperature  For automatically measuring samples in multiple cells  CPS-100 Six-Cell Thermoelectrically Temperature-Controlled Cell Positioner
                    measurement)        Tm analysis or variable temperature measurement  S-1700 Thermoelectric Single Cell Holder
 This software is used to calculate ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) values   Requires temperature control (constant-temperature water circulation)  160C Sipper Unit + NTT-2200P
                    Automatically  Temperature control not necessary  160L/160T/160U Sipper Unit (Select type based on liquid volume.)
 based on measured spectra.  supplies sample
                    to flow cells  Requires accurate  Requires temperature control  Syringe Sipper CN + NTT-2200P (Select flow cell based on liquid volume.)
                    (automatic analysis) control of  (constant-temperature water circulation)
 • It can calculate UPF, UVA, UVB, and ultraviolet protection values for either   aspiration volume. Temperature control not necessary  Syringe Sipper N (Select flow cell based on liquid volume)
   UVA and UVB.     For automating measurement of multiple samples   Sipper Unit or Syringe Sipper + ASC-5 Auto Sample Changer
 • Values relevant to JIS, DIN, BS, AATCC, AS/NZAA, or GB/T standards can be    Absorption measurement  Wavelength range: 240 nm min.  Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
                    of suspension samples  For measuring UV region above 190 nm  SolidSpec-3700i DUV
   calculated.*  Suspension
             Samples                    Light transmitted light turbidity measurement  10/50 mm Cell + Long-Path Rectangular Cell Holder
                    Turbidity measurement  (commonly used measurement method)  (Optical path length of cell depends on test method.)
 * For more details about applicable standards, contact Shimadzu.  Integrating sphere turbidity measurement  Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-2600, ISR-2600Plus, ISR-603)
                                                                            SolidSpec-3700i/3700i DUV
 12                                                                                                UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer  13
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