Page 7 - Shimadzu Nexera XS inert
P. 7

Assured Reliability and Reproducibility

 Consistent Analysis Reproducibility  Improves Quantitative Analysis Performance

 In order to reduce the effect of adsoprtion of metal-sensitive compounds, a system is often passivated by repeatedly   Adsorption of target compounds can be especially detrimental in the low-concentration region, and can worsen
 injecting samples that contain the target compounds before starting data acquisition. However, this approach not   calibration curve linearity. The Nexera XS inert achieves a wider dynamic range by strongly increasing the quantitative
 only wastes valuable samples and time, but can make it extremely difficult to acquire reliable data due to changes in   accuracy and detection of low-concentration samples.
 the state of passivation during continuous analysis. Nexera XS inert systems eliminate the need for the preliminary
 passivation and provide highly reliable data from the first injection and throughout the analytical session.

                  mAU                                            ×10 5
                                                               7.0   Nexera XS inert + Metal-free column
 First injection  Tenth injection  ATP
 mAU  mAU
 250  250        125                   Nexera XS inert         6.0   Standard UHPLC (stainless steel-based)
 200  ATP  200  ATP                         +                        + stainless steel column
                                      Metal-free column
                 100                                           5.0
 Nexera XS inert  150  150                                                    r  = 0.9999
 +                                                             4.0
 Metal-free column  100  100  75                          Area
 50  50                                 Standard UHPLC         3.0
                                       (stainless steel-based)
 0  0                                        +                                       r  = 0.9918
 0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  min  0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  min  Stainless steel  2.0
                 25                        column
 ×10 5            0                                             0
 Nexera XS inert        1.3  1.4  1.5   1.6  1.7    min           0     10    20    30     40      g/mL
 RSD% = 0.56 (n=10)                                                            Concentration

               QC Sample Quantitative Analysis Results (stainless steel-based standard UHPLC)
 Area  Standard UHPLC
 4.0  (stainless steel-based)  QC Sample  Spiked Conc. (µg/mL)          Intra-Assay (n = 6)
 RSD% = 10.1 (n=10)                                 Measured Conc. (µg/mL)  Accuracy (%)   Precision (%)
                      Low                2                 4.53              226              1.6
                    Medium              20                 18.4              91.9             5.7
                      High              45                 46.4              103              3.3

 0  2  4  6  8  10
               QC Sample Quantitative Analysis Results (Nexera XS inert)
 Number of Injections
                                                                        Intra-Assay (n = 6)
                    QC Sample     Spiked Conc. (µg/mL)
                                                    Measured Conc. (µg/mL)  Accuracy (%)   Precision (%)
                      Low                2                 2.01              101             0.78
 First injection  Tenth injection
 mAU  mAU           Medium              20                 20.4              102             0.35
 250  250
                      High              45                 45.0              100             0.79
 200  200
 Standard UHPLC  150
 (stainless steel-based)  150
 +  100  100  ATP
 Stainless steel column  ATP
 50  50
 0  0
 0.0  1.0  1.5  2.0  min  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  min

 6                                                                                                                 7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12