Page 9 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 9

Validation Program , Verifies FTIR Performance
            The IRTracer-100 is equipped with a validation program that   the basic performance of the instrument using a polystyrene
            complies with the European** , Japanese, Chinese, and U.S.***   )   lm, and creates reports of the results. If any failure is
            Pharmacopoeias and with ASTM (American Society for Testing   detected, simply use the Advanced Dynamic Alignment
            and Materials) speci cations. The validation program checks   mechanism to adjust and optimize the IRTracer-100.

              Test Speci cations Complying with the European,              Test Speci cations for ASTM
                 Japanese, Chinese, and U.S. Pharmacopoeias                 (ASTM E1421 Level Zero)

                  •  Shape and intensity of a power spectrum
                  •  The following speci cations for  a polystyrene   •  Energy intensity test based on the power spectrum
                      spectrum are veri ed:
                      • Resolution                                 •  Noise test based on a 100% transmittance spectrum
                      • Wavenumber accuracy                        •  Reproducibility test based on a polystyrene spectrum
                      • Wavenumber reproducibility
                      • Transmittance (absorbance) reproducibility

                                     *): Please contact for the applicable version.    **) : The Indian Pharmacopoeia has been uni ed with the European Pharmacopoeia.
                                     ***) : The United States Pharmacopoeia states that validation should be performed according to the method speci ed by the equipment manufacturer.

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