Page 11 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
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Fast, Easy-to-Use LabSolutions IR Series Software

                  LabSolutions IR easily executes FTIR operations such as scanning, data manipulation, quantitation, reporting, saving, user administration,
                  and more. High-level administrative functions and a variety of data manipulation functions provide for an easier, more user-friendly
                  analysis environment. In addition, numerous optional programs are available to address all modern laboratory needs.

                                                        Run Dedicated LabSolutions IR Programs
                                                        or Windows  Applications Easily with
                                                        the Dedicated LabSolutions IR Launcher.

                                                       LabSolutions IR includes a number of dedicated programs, including
                                                       Postrun, Spectrum, and Quantitation, which are easily launched using the
                                                       LabSolutions IR Launcher. In addition, macro programs and Windows
                                                       applications can be registered with the LabSolutions IR Launcher for quick
                                                       and easy start-up.


                                        Excellent Features of LabSolutions IR Series

            Network Features                                    Programs
              High-level security and user administration functions.  Postrun, Spectrum, Quantitation, Photometric, Time course
              Suitable for ER/ES regulations such as FDA 21 CFR Part 11, PIC/S, and more.  (option), Mapping (option)
              Management of FTIR as well as LC and GC data by the server on a network.  All of the Postrun and measurement programs have a common
                                                                  Main toolbar, Menu, Measurement toolbar, Tree view, and Log
                                                                  window. The operation of each program is also similar, providing
            Extensive Spectra Library and High-Performance Search Function  a familiar feel no matter what task you are working.

              Features a library containing approximately 12,000 spectra.
              Enables high-quality searching with standard libraries.
              High-performance search methods, including Spectral, Text,   Easy printing using the ViewPrint function and Free-layout reports.
              Combination, and Peak searches.
              Shimadzu's unique search algorithm provides precise search results.
                                                                Data Manipulation

            Macro Program Functions Provide Automation and Labor-Savings  A wide variety of data manipulation functions, including
                                                                  Advanced ATR correction and Kubelka–Munk conversion, and
              Simply align steps to create a Macro program.       quantitation functions, such as the multi-point calibration curve
                                                                  method and CLS method, are standard.
              Automated identi cation tests and contaminants analysis.

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