Page 14 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 14

Extensive Spectra Library and a High-Performance Search Function

                  Features a library containing approximately 12,000 spectra.
                  Enables high-quality searching with standard libraries.

              Approx. 12,000-spectra library

            A wide variety of libraries, including Shimadzu’s unique libraries, reagents, polymers and more, is included standard.
            Searching with standard libraries provides high-quality search results without purchasing extra libraries.


                        SHIMADZU                          Reagents                   Pharmaceutical products,
                   Food additives library                                                 agrichemicals

                        SHIMADZU                          Polymers                    Inorganic compounds
                    Contaminant library
                                          Approximately 12,000 spectra included

              High-Performance Search Functions

            Obtain high-quality search results with four high-performance search methods (spectral search, peak search, text search and
            combination search) and a library containing 12,000 spectra.
            Libraries created on IRsolution and HYPER-IR and commercial libraries such as Sadtler and S.T. Japan can also be used.
            Simply dragging spectra into a library creates a user library. In addition, editing spectral information or deleting a spectrum is very easy.

                            Search functions

                              Spectral search

            Shimadzu’s unique search algorithm provides accurate results.

                               Peak search

            If you only have an old spectrum chart, searching can be
            performed with peak wavenumbers without a spectrum  le.

            Other Optional Libraries
            • Contaminant Library for LabSolutions IR
              This is Shimadzu’s latest original library. It is an effective tool for analyzing contaminants in tap water and food.
            • UV-Damaged Plastics Library
              Unlike existing libraries, this library contains data of degraded plastics that have been oxidized by UV-rays.
            • Thermal-Damaged Plastics Library
              Unlike existing libraries, this library contains data of degraded plastics that have been oxidized by heating.
            Please refer to page 27 for more information of libraries.

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