Page 18 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 18

Various Application Programs Support All Analyses

                  LabSolutions IR includes two main application programs—for contaminant analysis and identi cation tests.
                  Even operators unfamiliar with FTIR analysis can easily use these programs and create reports in just a few seconds.

              Contaminant Analysis Program

            Combining Shimadzu's own algorithms (patent pending) with that of library spectra for common contaminants, this program identi es
            contaminants with a high degree of accuracy. This easy-to-use program is conducive to all levels of operators.
            Reports are automatically created after analysis, allowing operators with little knowledge of infrared analysis to easily perform analysis.

                                    Four Features of the Contaminant Analysis Program

                 Contains spectra for over 550 inorganic substances, organic substances,
                 and polymers that are often detected as contaminants in Shimadzu's Analytical Applications Department.

                 Incorporates algorithms that focus on spectral characteristics, rather than performing simple spectrum searches.

                 Automates the process, including searching, judgment evaluation, and report creation.

                 Finds major and minor components and displays their ranks.

                             IRTracer-100 + MIRacle10
                                                                  4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000  800  600
                                                                   Contaminant                       1/cm
                                                                     Sample:   Contaminant caused during manufacturing
                  IRTracer-100 + AIM-9000                                 of an electronic part (approx. 1 mmø)
                                                                     Accessory: Single re ectance HATR
                                                                          MIRacle10 with ZnSe prism

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