Page 23 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 23

DRS-8000A                                     (P/N 206-62301-58)

            Although powder samples are mixed with KBr, as with the KBr pellet method,
            the DRS-8000A analyzes the samples in their original state; creating pellets is
            not necessary. For plastic moldings, emery paper attached to the SiC sampler
            (P/N 200-66750-01) scrapes off part of the surface, forming a powdered
            sample that can be analyzed. Easily obtain diffuse re ectance spectra similar to
            transmittance spectra using the built-in Kubelka–Munk conversion in the
            LabSolutions IR software.

                                                                                    SiC sampler
            Powders  Moldings

            SRM-8000A                                     (P/N 206-62304-58)

            Use this specular re ectance accessory, featuring a 10° incidence angle, for the
            analysis of thin  lms on a metal plate with a µm order of thickness.
            For mirror-like plastic samples, it measures the specular light re ected from the
            sample surface. Kramers–Kronig analysis, available with LabSolutions IR
            software, produces specular re ectance spectra similar to transmittance spectra.

                              Thin Films

            RAS-8000A                                     (P/N 206-62302-58)

            Use this high-sensitivity re ection measurement accessory, featuring incidence
            angles of 70° and 75°, for the analysis of thin  lms on a metal plate with a nm
            order of thickness. Using it in combination with the GPR-8000 infrared polarizer
            (P/N 206-61550-58) enables measurement with an even higher level of sensitivity.

                              Thin Films

            ATR-8000A                                     (P/N 206-62303-58)

            This accessory obtains spectra for the surfaces of  lm-like samples that are
            clamped  rmly on the surface of a prism. Incidence angles of 30°, 45°, and 60°
            can be selected. The KRS-5 prism is standard.
            A Ge prism is also available for samples with a high refractive index.

                                         Films            Rubber

            * ATR spectra similar to transmittance spectra are produced by ATR correction.

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