Page 21 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 21

Data Browsing and the Registration, Editing, Deletion of Data, Images, Document Files

            By clicking “Edit” and selecting an existing library, the data, images and documents registered in the selected library can be browsed.
            Data can be newly registered, edited and deleted. A new library can also be created. In addition, if data for a sample were acquired by
            instruments other than EDX and FTIR instruments (such as a chromatograph, mass spectrometer, or surface observation system), it can
            be converted into PDF format and then registered, enabling linked storage to the EDX/FTIR data.

                                                                                                    Document Files,
                                                                                                    Comments, and
                                                                                                    Other Information

                                                               EDX Pro les,
                                                               Quantitation Results,
                                                               EDX Photographs, Comments,
                                                               and Other Information
                                                                                                    Browsing Registered

                                                                                Document Files
                                                               FTIR Spectra and Comments
                                                                          All Data Are Linked and Stored

                      Sample Holder/Stocker for Contaminant Measurement

                      EDXIR-Holder  (Option)

            Measure the Samples Kept in the Holder with EDX and FTIR
            The Holder Can Be Used as the Sample Stocker after the Measurement

               Enables More Efficient Analyses

            This foldable holder consists of adhesive layer with samples attached and polypropylene  lm designed for  uorescence X-ray. When
            using EDX for measurement, close the holder and place the polypropylene  lm directly to the irradiation side (downside). When using
            FTIR for measurement, open the holder and press the samples attached to the adhesive layer against the ATR prism. This enables the
            replacement of samples, at a minimum, saving on labor and making analysis more ef cient.
               Prevents Loss of Samples
            Close the holder after the measurement and it can be used as a sample stocker. It is not necessary to transfer the samples to other
            containers, so there is no danger of losing samples.
                                              Polypropylene Film Designed
                                              for Fluorescence X-ray  Adhesive Layer

                    How to Use with EDX                           Attach the Samples     How to Use with FTIR
            Close the holder and place the polypropylene   When the Holder is Open  Open the holder and press the samples attached
             lm to the irradiation side (downside).    (Inside of the Holder)    to the adhesive layer against the prism.

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