Page 27 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 27

LabSolutions IR
            PLS Quantitation Program                                  (P/N 206-74560-91)

            Like multiple linear regression analysis, PLS (partial least squares) is a chemometrics method
            widely used for the simultaneous quantitation of multiple components. The PLS quantitation
            program incorporates PLS I and PLS II methods. It is possible to display calculation values based
            on input values. PLS factors are based on “PRESS” values, loading vectors, and score values.
            Analysis can be performed on the regression equations obtained with the PLS method.

            LabSolutions IR
            Curve-Fitting (Peak-Splitting) Program                    (P/N 206-74561-91)

            Usually, absorption bands in infrared spectra consist of overlapping peaks. The curve- tting
            (peak-splitting) program can be used to separate absorption bands into individual peaks,
            separate peaks that have been in uenced by hydrogen bonding, and identify the peaks of
            functional groups that are hidden by absorption bands. Six types of curves, including Gaussian,
            Lorentzian, and Gaussian+Lorentzian, are available for separation analysis.
            The curve can be selected in accordance with the form of the peaks in the absorption band.
            The separated component peaks are displayed together with the resultant spectra making it
            possible to evaluate the separation accurately.

            LabSolutions IR
            3D Processing Program                                     (P/N 206-74563-91)

            The 3D processing program offers the following functionality:
              Changes the method of displaying data
              • Display data in bird’s eye view (3D), as an intensity distribution or using contour lines, as a
               spectral overlay, or rotated.
              3D data processing
              • Isolate changes at speci c wavenumbers.
              • Functions include data extraction, data points thinning, smoothing, zero-baseline,
               background correction, normalization, log conversion,  rst- or second-order derivative,
               and ATR correction.                                                    Note: The 3D processing program cannot control
                                                                                         mapping measurements or AIM-8800 series
              Creation of 3D data from spectra                                           infrared microscopes.
              • Create 3D data by consecutively arranging spectra measured at  xed intervals, such as by
               repeated measurements.

            Contaminant Library for LabSolutions IR                                               (P/N 206-33179-91)

            This unique library was created by Shimadzu especially for analyzing contaminants in tap water and food products. The library includes
            information about samples actually collected as contaminants and service parts commercially marketed for tap water applications. It also
            includes a collection of X-ray  uorescence pro les (PDF  les). Consequently, it can signi cantly improve the precision of contaminant searches.
            Unlike the previous libraries, this is a mixture library that covers the extensive knowledge and experience necessary for qualitative analysis.
            UV-Damaged Plastics Library        *                                                  (P/N 206-31808-41)

            Unlike the previous libraries, this library includes information about plastics that have degraded due to oxidation associated with UV rays. It
            is especially useful for analyzing contaminants, which are commonly degraded. It is also effective in the analysis of unknown microplastics
            that are dif cult to identify with standard libraries.

            Thermal-Damaged Plastics Library         *                                            (P/N 206-33039-91)

            Unlike the previous libraries, this library includes information about plastics that have degraded due to oxidation associated with heat. It is
            especially useful for analyzing contaminants, which are commonly degraded.

            * Shimadzu created this library from spectra measured and acquired from the Hamamatsu Industrial Technical Assistance Center of the Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture.

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