Page 6 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 6

Reliable High Performance

                  An automatic dehumidi er and advanced dynamic alignment enable easy maintenance of the interferometer.

              Built-in Automatic Dehumidifier Allows for Easy Maintenance

            Beam splitters used in FTIR interferometers are susceptible to humidity. In order to maintain the long-term stability of
            the interferometer, the beam splitter must be protected from moisture. To address this issue, the IRTracer-100 has been engineered
            with an airtight interferometer that incorporates a unique internal Automatic Dehumidi er.

                        Three Measures Taken to Protect the Optical Element in the Interferometer

                                               An electronic Automatic Dehumidi er   The beam splitter is covered
                The interferometer is sealed    continuously removes any moisture,   with a moisture-resistant
                   in an airtight housing.
                                               ensuring a dry interferometer chamber.    protective coat.

                              The IRTracer-100 incorporates an Automatic Dehumidi er that
               Principle of   electrolytically removes the moisture inside the interferometer using
                              a solid polymer electrolytic membrane.
              the Automatic
                              Because the electric power required to operate the Automatic
                              Dehumidi er is less than the continuous operation of the FTIR,
                              it can reduce CO 2  emissions by approximately 400 kg/year.*
                                                                                      Dehumidifying  Moisture decomposed
             1  When porous electrodes are attached to a solid polymer electrolytic membrane
                and direct current is applied, moisture on the anode side (i.e., the desiccation side)
                dissociates into hydrogen ions and oxygen.

             2  The hydrogen ions travel through the solid polymer electrolytic membrane and   Inside of
                reach the cathode side (i.e., the moisture discharge side).

             3  At the cathode, the hydrogen ions react with oxygen in the air to form (gaseous)
                water vapor, which is released outside the interferometer.            Light source

                    Anode                                                                        Moving mirror
                    (desiccation side)                                             Collimator
                    Cathode                                                              Laser Detector  Fixed
                    (moisture discharge side)                                                            mirror
                                                                                      He–Ne laser
                                                                                                       Dehumidi er
            Replacing the window (KBr) at the sample compartment with an optional
            KRS-5 window (P/N 206-74211-58) ensures safe operation with no concern for
            the window plate becoming cloudy under a high humidity environment.                          mirror
                                                                                                  KBr window
                                                                            Detector                     Sealing case

                                                                                                 * Model case by SHIMADZU

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