Page 2 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 2

New Levels of Performance and Quality
                  Created by Excellent Sensitivity, Speed and Resolution


                          High-Speed                       High-Resolution

                  Excellent Sensitivity, Speed and Resolution
                    Quickly and easily obtain high-quality data for any kind of sample.
                    Quickly analyze data with user-friendly LabSolutions ™  IR software.
                    High-speed generation of analysis reports.
                  Shimadzu’s technologies provide the high performance
                  needed for your IR Analysis.


                     4  New Levels of Performance and Quality
                        Created by Excellent Sensitivity, Speed and Resolution
                     5  High Sensitivity, High Resolution and High Speed
                     6  Reliable High Performance
                     10 New Generation of Workstation
                     11 Fast, Easy-to-Use LabSolutions IR Series Software
                     12 Solutions Achieved with LabSolutions
                     14 Extensive Spectra Library and a High-Performance Search Function
                     15 Automation and Labor-savings with Macro Program Functions
                     16 Meeting the Needs of a Wide Range of Analyses
                        Customize Your Own IRTracer-100 System
                     18 Various Application Programs Support All Analyses
                     20 EDXIR-Analysis Software (Option)
                     21 Sample Holder/Stocker for Contaminant Measurement EDXIR-Holder (Option)
                     22 Hardware Options
                     26 Software Options
                     28 Speci cations
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