Page 4 - Shimadzu IRTracer-100
P. 4

New Levels of Performance and Quality

                Created by Excellent Sensitivity,

                Speed and Resolution

                Quickly and easily obtain high-quality data for any kind of sample.


                               High-Speed                                     High-Resolution

              High-Sensitivity Measurements, with an SN Ratio of 60,000:1                  * 1

            A trace amount of silicone oil in paraf n oil were measured   0.0015
            using the IRTracer-100 with a single re ection ATR   Abs  Silicone 500 ppm
                                                                 Silicone 250 ppm
            The peak from the silicone was extremely weak (1,260 cm ),
            a mere 0.00015 absorbance, but it was measured with a   0.0010
            high S/N ratio.


                                                                 0.00015 Abs
            Remarks:                                       0.0000
            • Differential spectrum with the spectrum of the paraf n oil subtracted
            • Measured with a DLATGS detector, at a resolution of 4 cm −1  1300  1200  1100  1000  900  800  cm –1

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