Page 26 - Shimadzu EPMA-1720 Series
P. 26

Sample Rotation Stage Kit

            The sample rotation stage kit is an optional system that enables using the sample
            stage as a 4-axis stage, moveable in X, Y, Z, and R-axis directions, by attaching a
            computer controlled sample stage equipped with a rotating mechanism (sample
            rotation stage) to the EPMA-1720 series sample stage. This allows using the
            computer screen operations to rotate the sample in any direction desired for
            observation and analysis.

             • Features
            Allows displaying a stage map that                 Since X–Y coordinate control is linked to
            changes depending on rotation angle.               rotation angle, rotation angle can be controlled
                                                               without missing any observation angles*.
                                     Displays current                           Rotated
                                     rotation angle                             by 45

                                                               * When an optical microscope image  The position prior to
                                                                  or an SEM image with the same  rotation can be observed
                                                                  field of view (magnification rate  near the center of the field
                                                                                      of view
                                                                  of 250) is viewed
             Rotation angle control window  Stage map reflecting
                                    rotation angle

            The stage can be rotated to orient any specified   Rotation angles are recorded along with stage
            line on the observation image horizontally or      coordinates, and can be used for positional
            vertically.                                        conditions in respective analysis modes.
                                                                               Additionally displays
                                                                               rotation angle value

               Specify line to         Specified line is
               make horizontal         now horizontal
                                                                                     Displays analysis point
                                                                                     reflecting rotation
                                                                                     angle on map

            Six samples of 1-inch diameter can be placed simultaneously
            using the multi-sample stage and sample holders included.

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