Page 23 - Shimadzu EPMA-1720 Series
P. 23

More evolved trace mapping system           *

            The trace mapping system maps the                        No correction  Trace mapping
            sample surface in real time while
            applying corrections for the height
            of the sample surface irregularities.
            The EPMA-1720 trace mapping
            system provides a better visual
            expression of the result of the curved
            surface approximation of the sample                                                 Curved surface approximation
                                                                                                  of the sample surface
            surface than previous systems.
            Enhanced responsiveness of the
            height correction operation achieves
            more accurate data, and supports
            the mapping of smaller regions,
            unlike conventional systems.
                                                                    Steel ball bearing            Cross-section through
            * Option setting                                                                        sample surface

            Beam adjustment mechanism offers perfect correction.

            The axis adjustment mechanisms using a two-stage de†ection coil
            are located at two positions, above and below the condenser lens.
            Setting optimal conditions for these mechanisms achieves a
            high-quality beam axis in all beam current conditions. It is not
            necessary to adjust the beam axis each time the beam current
            switches from the SEM conditions to analysis conditions.

            Intelligent evacuation system
            The intelligent evacuation system incorporates a CPU and multiple
            sensors to allow continuous monitoring of the vacuum and
            operation status from any location and to provide accurate
            evacuation control. The graphical instrument monitor window
            shows the instrument status at a glance.

                                                                                           EPMA-1720 Series
                                                                                                   Electron Probe Microanalyzer  23
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