Page 10 - Shimadzu DTG-60 Series
P. 10

Optional Software

            A variety of optional software is available for LabSolutions TA, providing excellent operability and functionality, and further expanding
            the range of applications.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            SBR Specific Heat Measurements
            Temperature-Modulated DSC Program                               DSC   PET Glass Transition Measurements                   Specific Heat Analysis Program                         DSC  DTG  DTA
            Using temperature-modulated DSC measurements, you can separate complex data such as                                       To measure the specific heat of samples using DSC, a comparison of the calorific values of three
            overlapping transitions and reactions, and can measure specific heat. For specific heat                                   measurement results (a blank, a standard, and the sample) is calculated.
            measurements, the number of measurement cycles is fewer than with standard DSC                                            With this program, the above-mentioned calculations are automated, so finding the specific heat
            measurements, the process is easier, and pseudo isothermal measurements, which were                                       is easy. In addition to determining the desired specific heat at each temperature, the program can
            impossible with standard DSC, can now be performed.                                                                       also calculate the specific heat simultaneously at preset temperatures (up to 15 temperatures).
            Temperature-modulated DSC measurements achieve both high resolution and high sensitivity,
            which have been difficult to achieve with standard DSC measurements, enabling higher accuracy

                                                                                                                                      Stress-Strain Analysis Program                                 TMA    Young's Modulus for Magnetic Tape
            Partial Area Analysis Program                  DSC  DTG  TMA  TGA  DTA  Fusion of Chocolate
                                                                                                                                      The stress versus strain curve for materials can be obtained by plotting the data measured
            This software can calculate partial fusion rates at various temperatures, and find the temperature at                     with TMA (time/temperature, displacement and load) with strain on the horizontal axis and
            which the specified partial fusion rate is shown, for use as a quality control index.                                     stress on the vertical axis, thereby learning the temperature change in Young's modulus and
                                                                                                                                      averaged Young's modulus for films and fibers.
                                                                                                                                      In addition, up to 12 analyzed stress-strain curve data sets can be overlapped.

                                                                                                                                      Reaction Rate Analysis (TG) Program                        DTG  TGA   Analysis of the Reaction Rate of Nicotinamide
                                                                                  Purity of Benzoic Acid
            Purity Analysis Program                                DSC  DTG  DTA                                                      This software analyzes the data from the decomposition reaction of a sample, obtained from
                                                                                                                                      thermogravimetry, using the Ozawa method. It then obtains the activation energy, the frequency
            In measurements of purity using DSC, pretreatment of samples is not required, even for trace                              factor and other reaction rate parameters. It is applied to estimations of reaction mechanisms,
            samples, and the purity is obtained quickly and with easy operations. It is widely used for                               evaluation of the thermostability of materials, and estimations of material operating life.
            analysis of pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and reagents.                                                          It can be used for a wide range of samples, including high molecular weight materials, electrical
            With calculations by this program, the purity can be calculated accurately, even for materials                            insulation materials, thermally stable polymers, composite materials, and pharmaceuticals.
            that degrade during fusion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Reaction Rate Analysis of an Epoxy Resin
            Dynamic Temperature Control Program                        DTG  TMA   Dehydration of Copper Sulfate                       Reaction Rate Analysis (DSC) Program                   DSC  DTG  DTA
                                                                                  (Dynamic/Temperature Increases at a Constant Rate)
            Controls the temperature that switches between high and low rise speeds in a temperature                                  This software is applied to the analysis of reaction rates for chemical reactions (such as the
            program, corresponding to the rate of change of the TG weight signal and the TMA                                          curing of epoxy resins) without changes in weight. As when using TG, the analysis is performed
            displacement signal.                                                                                                      via the Ozawa method. Using the DSC data measured by changing the heating rate, an Ozawa
            In comparison to measurements in which the temperature rises at a constant rate, the                                      plot is charted, and the activation energy, frequency factor, and other reaction rate parameters
            software is useful for improving the resolution with multi stage changes in TG, and for                                   are obtained. As an example, the figure shows a reaction rate analysis of the curing reaction for
            sintering conditions for ceramic materials in TMA.                                                                        an epoxy resin.
                                                                                                                                      The relationship between the curing temperature, curing time, and degree of curing can be
                                                                                                                                      simulated based on the parameters obtained.

                                                                                                                                      Note: Analysis can also be performed for the DTA signal, but the photometric accuracy is not guaranteed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  60 Series
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