Page 5 - Shimadzu DTG-60 Series
P. 5

Simultaneous TG/DTA  DTG

 DTG-60 Series

 Simultaneous TG/DTA improves ease of operation,  High sample throughput  Fully controlled atmosphere for various applications
 sensitivity and analytical accuracy of conventional  The built-in cooling fan and the low-mass furnace allow very ef cient cooling   During TG/DTA measurements, qualitative and quantitative analysis, examination
 standalone systems.  times. After the completion of the measurement, the cooling starts   of reaction mechanisms and evaluation of heat resistance are performed by
                                                               studying various reactions and interactions between a sample and special
            automatically and stops when the furnace has reached a preset temperature.
            Now the next analysis can be started. Cyclic and cooling runs are under full   atmospheres. The unique channel structure of the DTG-60 series offers the
 If  exibility and high performance is needed in various applications, the new   instrument control.  solution for these applications. While an inert gas purges the balance, reactive
 DTG-60/60H combines them all: Basic functions required by simultaneous   gases are directly connected to the reaction pan.
 thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) measurements are improved.
 Atmosphere control is programmable. As in DSC, the TA-60WS provides advanced      Gas Out  Cleaning Gas In
 acquisition, analysis and report functions which ensure comfortable simultaneous
                                                                                          Gas In

 High sensitivity and high precision of balance is                                         Solenoid
 equivalent to dedicated single-function instruments
 Model DTG-60 series has a unique balance mechanism (Roberval mechanism) that   The change in the center
 prevents changes in sensitivity from factors such as thermal expansion and allows high   of gravity does not matter.  Setting for the Cooling fan control parameter (Detector properties box)  Gas In
 precision thermogravimetric measurements. Furthermore, the fulcrum used for the         Vacuum Pump
 balance is made from thin alloy metal strips that have tiny thermal coefficients and are
 crossed to form an "x" shape. This fulcrum (X-shaped fulcrum) is lightweight and has
 extremely low friction and resistance. Using this fulcrum configuration allows   The load is applied at
 incorporating a highly sensitive balance and is even highly resistant to vibration.  the same point no matter
 where the sample is placed.  DTG-60A/60AH provides a          High sensitivity DTA detectors
            compact built-in autosampler
            Up to 24 samples can be setup for analysis. In addition, the weight of empty
 mg  µV     cell and sample can be measured automatically.
 TG  −12.353%
 DTA  0.0
 679.05˚C  X-Shaped Fulcrum
 200.0  400.0  600.0  800.0
 Temp [˚C]

 Measurement of trace CaC2O4
 TGA  DTA  Sample
 mg  µV  Holder                            DTG-60            DTG-60H            DTG-60A            DTG-60AH
 Rubber       Balance principle                               Parallel guide differential top pan type
 0.0  TG  Substances  2000  Temperature range  Ambient to 1100℃  Ambient to 1500℃  Ambient to 1100℃  Ambient to 1500℃
 −10.0  Carbon Black  Furnace Base  Measurable range (TG)              ±500mg
 −28.158%     Measurable range (DTA)                                   ±1000µV
 ↑  1000  Beam
 −20.0  Switches from   Joint Section  Weight readability               0.1µg
 nitrogen to air  Shutter  Sample quantity                        1g Max. in gross weight
 −30.0  Coil  Atmosphere                                             Air and inert gas
 DTA  0       Auto sampler                            ─                                24 samples / tray
 −40.0  Magnet  Standard sample                       ─                                   Fixed
 0.0  200.0  400.0  600.0  800.0  X-Shaped Fulcrum  Analysis / Print  ─       Automatic analysis and automatic report printout
 Temp [˚C]  Photoelectric   Size                                  W 367×D 650×H 453mm
 Conversion Element
 Measurement of carbon black in SBR  Lamp  Weight    35kg                                  40kg
                                      AC 100 V, 120 V, 230 V,  AC 100 V, 120 V, 230 V,  AC 100 V, 120 V, 230 V,  AC 100 V, 120 V, 230 V,
              Power supplySpecifications
                                       1300 VA, 50/60 Hz  1500 VA, 50/60 Hz  1300 VA, 50/60 Hz  1500 VA, 50/60 Hz

                                                                                                        60 Series
 4                                                                                                 Thermal Analysis Instruments  5
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