Page 9 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 9

Analyzing Ultra-Trace Impurities Using Co-Sense for Impurities

            Analyzing ultra-trace impurities requires both increased sensitivity and reliable separation of impurities from primary components.
            Concentrating the sample or injecting large volumes of samples in an attempt to improve sensitivity can cause difficulties with
            achieving both solubility and separation. However, Co-Sense for Impurities is able to achieve both increased sensitivity and reliable
            separation by trapping and concentrating target impurities after large-volume injections and then separating them with second
            dimension separation.

               Higher Sensitivity Using Co-Sense for Impurities

            Even in cases where increasing sensitivity is difficult with normal one-dimensional separation, Co-Sense for Impurities is able to
            increase sensitivity by approximately 40 times by combining a semi-preparative scale for first dimension separation and ultra-fast
            separation after trap concentration. This achieves high-sensitivity analysis with absorbance detection at a low operation cost.

                                                                 Example of Analyzing 0.0002 % Impurities in Imipramine
                                                               In the first dimension separation, the 0.015 mAU peak was trap
                                                               concentrated and then eluted as sharp peaks using a high-speed
                                                               high-separation column. This resulted in increasing the sensitivity by
                                   Impurity                    approximately 40 times to 0.56 mAU. Also, increasing the sensitivity
                                                               resulted in a good peak area repeatability of 1.08 %RSD, even for the
                                                               ultra-trace impurity concentration of 0.0002 %.
                      First dimension
                         Second dimension
               0.0     5.0     10.0    15.0    20.0  min

               Analyzing Impurities Using Co-Sense for Impurities in Combination with LC/MS

            Even if a non-volatile buffer solution is used as the mobile phase for the first dimension, Co-Sense for Impurities is able to desalt the
            solution by trap concentration. Consequently, it can be used in combination with LC/MS regardless of the separation conditions,
            which means impurities can be analyzed in more detail by LC/MS. Using LC/MS allows analyzing MS spectra and checking the
            specificity of peaks in MS chromatograms.

                                                                 Example of Analyzing Impurities in Rabeprazole
                                        <First Dimension>
                                        Phosphate buffer solution
                                        as mobile phase        LC/MS analysis that was independent of the mobile phase conditions was
                                        UV 290 nm
                                                               accomplished by trap concentrating and desalting impurities detected by
                          (trap)                               separation in a phosphate buffer solution, then delivering them with an
                                                               LC/MS mobile phase to the second dimension. In addition, LC/MS allowed
                                                               detecting the peak separation that could not be adequately verified
            0.0        5.0       10.0       15.0      min      based on UV detection.
               <Second Dimension>
               Ammonium formate as
               mobile phase                IM1

            0.0        5.0       10.0       15.0      min

                                                                                               Co-Sense Series
                                                                                              High Performance Liquid Chromatograph  9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12