Page 8 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 8

Co-Sense for Impurities

            Basic Concept of Co-Sense for Impurities

            Co-Sense for Impurities offers both two-dimensional high   the first dimension separation or other general-purpose
            separation chromatograply along with high sensitivity. It is   columns can be used as the trap column in two-dimensional
            especially useful for high-sensitivity analysis of ultra trace   reversed phase plus reversed phase separation. It can also be
            components or for analyzing components in complex matrices.   used for more complicated two-dimensional separation, such as
            The system uses trap concentration and on-line dilution after   normal phase plus reversed phase separation.
            the first dimension separation. That means a guard column for

               Co-Sense for Impurities Configuration

            In Co-Sense for Impurities, samples are first eluted through the first dimension separation column, through the first switching valve
            and subsequently through the trap column. This is on the timing of target component elution, where target components are reliably
            concentrated in the trap column while being diluted on-line. Next, by valve switching, the target components concentrated in the
            trap column are introduced to a second dimension separation column, where the samples are further separated and then detected.
                               Pump unit for first dimension separation
                                                  Autosampler  First dimension
                                                            separation column

                                                                       Concentration column

                                               Pump unit for on-line

                                                            Second dimension
                                                            separation column
                                                                            Pump unit for second
                                                                            dimension separation

               Software for Co-Sense for Impurities

            Control software designed specifically for Co-Sense for
            Impurities allows specifying settings separately for the first
            dimension separation, trap conditions, and second dimension
            separation in a manner similar to standard LC controls. It also
            allows visually monitoring the system status, mainly involving
            the mobile phase flow status. Therefore, it allows easily and
            accurately understanding the status of each flow line during
            analysis or cleaning.

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