Page 5 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 5

Analyzing Biological Samples Using Co-Sense for BA

            A major factor when analyzing low molecular weight compounds in biological samples, such as blood plasma and blood serum, is
            sample pretreatment, which mainly time-consuming deproteinization by liquid-liquid or solid phase extraction. However, by using
            the Shim-pack MAYI series on-line pretreatment column in combination with Co-Sense for BA, automated pretreatment and
            quantification of target compounds can be achieved in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods. The system
            automation provides a high degree of reproducibility and confidence.

               Shim-pack MAYI Series
                                                                        Proteins and other
            The Shim-pack MAYI series are restricted access media columns.
            They are on-line pretreatment columns for biological samples
                                                                        Mobile phase
            that feature a hydrophilic surface coating and optimized
                                                                        Coating layer
            particle sizes to achieve highly efficient deproteinization and
            long-term stability. This provides excellent repeatability even for
            continuous analysis of multiple samples. In addition, five kinds
            of solid phases are offered for traps based on hydrophobic
            interaction (C1, C4, C8, C14, and ODS), and strong cation                             Mobile phase
            exchange (SCX) and strong anion exchange (SAX) mode solid
            phases are offered for traps based on ion-exchange effects.    Illustration of Shim-pack MAYI Series

               Superior Recovery Rate Due to Dilution Trap                                          About 100 %
                                                                                1. Indomethacin
            The concentration trap column in Co-Sense for BA inhibits the
            target components from interacting with proteins in samples.                          1
                                                                                                    About 50 %
            This allows reliably trapping and concentrating even                                    recovery
            components with high protein binding rates. A buffer solution
                                                                               With dilution
            or a solution containing a low-concentration organic solvent is
                                                                               Without dilution
            used as the dilution solvent. As a result, even blood plasma (or   Standard solution
            blood serum) samples can be injected directly. In addition, due
                                                                    0       4       8       12      16
            to excellent recovery rates and superior peak shapes, high             Time (min)
            sensitivity is achieved even for large-volume injections.  Effect of Dilution Trap on Analysis of Indomethacin in Blood Plasma

               Example of Analyzing Drugs in Blood Plasma               (×10,000)
                                                                         281.00 (1.00)
                                                                     9.0  256.00 (1.00)
            Higher efficiency and sensitivity can be achieved by using LC/MS   414.00 (1.00)  2
                                                                     8.0  260.00 (1.00)       4
            for detection in the Co-Sense for BA system. In addition to   455.00 (1.00)
                                                                     7.0              1
            saving time and money normally required for pretreatment by   1. Noscapine
                                                                     6.0  2. Propranolol   3
            injecting blood plasma directly, LC/MS also allows quicker   3. Diphenhydramine
                                                                     5.0  4. Imipramine
            detection of specific components. Furthermore, automatic    5. Verapamil
            pretreatment by Co-Sense for BA inhibits matrix effects and   4.0                   5
            allows higher precision analysis, even for direct injection of   3.0
            blood plasma.                                            2.0
                                                                           3.0      4.0     5.0     6.0  min
                                                                 SIM Chromatogram of Five Basic Drug Components in Blood Plasma
                                                                         (50 µL of blood plasma was directly injected.)

                                                                                               Co-Sense Series
                                                                                              High Performance Liquid Chromatograph  5
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