Page 7 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 7

Analyzing Impurities in Antibody-Drug Conjugates Using Co-Sense for BA

            Analyzing drug-derived impurities in pharmaceuticals containing antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) as a primary component requires
            removing the antibodies (deproteinization) in order to achieve high-sensitivity analysis of low molecular impurities. Co-Sense for BA
            used in combination with the Shimadzu Shim-pack MAYI series columns is able to efficiently analyze the impurities in antibody-drug
            conjugates, for example, by injecting large volumes of samples that are deproteinized on-line.

               Issues with Analyzing Impurities in Antibody-Drug Conjugates
            To prevent cross contamination, impurity analysis should ideally   injections. In addition, for samples with a high organic solvent
            involve as simple a process as possible and with high-sensitivity   ratio after deproteinization, the recovery rate may decrease
            detection. However, when analyzing impurities in   with the traditional trap injection method due to the impact of
            antibody-drug conjugates, deproteinization is required to   the sample solvent. Furthermore, if on-line pretreatment
            eliminate high-concentration antibodies. If samples are   (on-line solid phase extraction) is performed in order to
            pretreated by deproteinization using organic solvents or acids,   automate deproteinization, the recovery rate of target
            the impact of the sample solvent can often worsen peak shapes,   impurities may decrease due to interactions between antibodies
            making it difficult to increase sensitivity through large-volume   and drug-derived impurities.

               On-line Deproteinization Using the Shim-pack MAYI-ODS Column

            With the Co-Sense for BA system, components can be trapped reliably to enhance sensitivity, even with large-volume injections, due
            to antibody removal (deproteinization) and the suppression of antibody and impurity interactions. The following shows an example
            of analyzing approximately 0.07 % (molar ratio) of impurities present in a 1 mg/mL antibody solution. By eliminating the impacts of
            antibodies, a recovery rate of approximately 100 % was achieved.

                    Solution with Drug Only                      Solution with
                                       Impurity                  Co-existing Antibodies

                         3.0        4.0         5.0       min       9.0       10.0       11.0      12.0  min
            A comparison of using Co-Sense for BA to analyze a solution containing only the drug (left) and a solution containing a co-existing
            antibody (IgG) (right) shows a recovery of approximately 100 %, with results for the target impurity unaffected by the antibody.

               Peak Tracking by LC/MS
            In addition, by using LC/MS for detection, it is also possible to reliably identify drug-derived impurities in antibody-drug conjugates.
                                        426                                            426
                    Solution with Drug Only                      Solution with  390     428
                                           428                   Co-existing Antibodies

                 325.0  350.0  375.0  400.0  425.0  450.0  475.0  m/z  325.0  350.0  375.0  400.0  425.0  450.0  475.0  m/z
            A comparison of the MS spectrum of impurity peaks from the drug-only solution (left) and the MS spectrum of impurity peaks obtained
            with Co-Sense for BA from the solution with co-existing antibodies (IgG) (right) shows that target impurities are clearly identified.

                                                                                               Co-Sense Series
                                                                                              High Performance Liquid Chromatograph  7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12