Page 11 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 11

Analyzing Natural Products Using Co-Sense for Impurities

            Analyzing ultra-trace components in natural products requires both reliable separation of target components from contaminant
            components and increased sensitivity. In particular, concentrating liquid samples, such as fruit juices, in the pretreatment process not
            only reduces throughput, but can also cause cross contamination. However, Co-Sense for Impurities is able to analyze such liquid
            samples efficiently by direct injection. Furthermore, using an ultra-fast separation column can significantly reduce the separation time.

               Analysis Using a Traditional System

            When analyzing trace components in natural products with a traditional system, it is difficult to achieve both the separation and
            high sensitivity necessary to eliminate the impacts of contaminants and selectively detect target components.

                                                                      UV 320 nm

                                                                 Ferulic acid
            0.0        1.0       2.0        3.0        4.0        5.0      min       250    300    350 nm
                                        Chromatogram                              Peak Spectrum of Ferulic Acid

              Example of Using a Traditional System for Analyzing Berry Juice
            A comparison of the absorbance spectra for ferulic acid in standard and actual samples does not show adequate matching, which suggests the spectra
            were affected by contaminant components.

               High-Sensitivity Analysis Using Co-Sense for Impurities

            By using the Shim-pack XR-ODS ultra-fast separation column for both the first and second dimensions and by changing the mobile
            phase pH level used for separation in the first and second dimensions, both fast separation and high sensitivity were achieved by
            reliably separating contaminant components.

                        <First Dimension>   <Second Dimension>
                        Phosphate buffer solution  Acetate buffer solution with pH 4.7
                        with pH 2.5
                                                    Ferulic acid

                             Ferulic acid
                               (trap)                                                    Standard sample
                                                                                         Actual sample

            0.0    0.5   1.0    1.5  min  0.0        2.0        4.0  min       250        300       nm
                First Dimension Chromatogram  Second Dimension Chromatogram  Second Dimension Peak Spectrum of Ferulic Acid

              Example of Analyzing Ferulic Acid in Berry Juice
            With reliable separation of contaminant components by automated on-line pretreatment (absorption spectra of standard and actual samples matched)
            and high sensitivity, good precision was achieved even for the actual sample, with a peak area repeatability of 0.6 % RSD. Also, using the Shim-pack
            XR-ODS ultra-fast separation column allowed achieving high-speed two-dimensional separation.

                                                                                               Co-Sense Series
                                                                                              High Performance Liquid Chromatograph  11
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12