Page 6 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 6

Using Co-Sense for BA for Cleaning Validation

            Though cleaning validation for pharmaceutical production equipment requires high-sensitivity analysis, samples are often obtained
            as dilute organic solvents. As a result, samples may need to be concentrated by pretreatment, which can reduce throughput.
            Co-Sense for BA can also be used to improve efficiency in cleaning validation applications by allowing samples to be injected directly
            in large volumes without having to first concentrate them.

               Issues for Cleaning Validation

            Reversed phase mode analysis, which involves injecting large   large volumes for high-sensitivity analysis. In addition, ordinary
            volumes of organic solvents or other solvents with strong   trap injections may reduce recovery rates due to elution of
            elution properties as the sample solvent, tends to result in poor   target components from the trap column. As a result, in LC
            peak shapes. Cleaning validation for pharmaceutical production   analysis for cleaning validation, samples are often concentrated
            equipment often involves samples with ethanol or other organic   in advance, leading to decreased throughput.
            solvents used as the sample solvent, which can impede injecting


                                                   50 µL injection                       100 µL injection
                                                   10 µL injection                       10 µL injection

                                  Direct Injection                              Trap Injection

                                   Example of Isopropylantipyrine Ethanol Solution Analysis Using a Traditional System
            With large-volume injections using the direct injection method, the isopropylantipyrine peak shows a leading edge from the impact
            of the sample solvent. In addition, with trap concentration without on-line dilution, the recovery rate is decreased due to elution
            from the trap column because of the impact of the sample solvent.

               Superior Peak Shape and Recovery Rate Due to Dilution Trap

            When injecting samples using the Co-Sense for BA system,
            samples are diluted on-line with water or a buffer solution as
            they are delivered to the trapping column. This is applicable
            even for large injection volumes of organic solvents.
            Consequently, this allows reliable trapping concentration even if
            a guard or other generic column is used as the trap column.
            In addition, the target components are introduced to the
            analysis column by valve switching after they are adequately
            concentrated on the trap column, so superior peak shapes can
            be obtained. High-sensitivity analysis of isopropylantipyrine in             100 µL injection
            ethanol is difficult for traditional systems, but with Co-Sense for
                                                                                         10 µL injection
            BA, approximately 100 % recovery rate and excellent peaks
            shapes are obtained even with 100 µL injections.
                                                          Example of Isopropylantipyrine Ethanol Solution Analysis Using Co-Sense for BA

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