Page 4 - Shimadzu Co-Sense Series
P. 4

Co-Sense for BA

            Basic Concept of Co-Sense for BA

            The Co-Sense for BA automatically and seamlessly performs all processes from sample pretreatment to analysis. This is achieved using
            a column-switching HPLC system equipped with the innovative Shimadzu Shim-pack MAYI-ODS pretreatment column and a unique
            on-line dilution bypass channel design.

               Trapping and Concentration
            The dilution pump is used to dissociate large and small molecules to increase recovery of target analytes. This has the effect of
            breaking up large and small molecule complexes. This automatic dilution process ensures reliable trapping and concentration of
            target components by suppressing their interactions with the matrix and the impact of the sample solvent.

                                        Pump unit for analysis

                                                                   Analysis column  Detector

                                                        Trap column

                                                                           Pump unit for
                                                                           on-line dilution
                                         Pump unit for
                                        sample injection


            Once unwanted constituents have passed through the trapping column to waste, the target compounds are removed by a second
            independent gradient. Valve switching is used to transfer the target compounds through the second dimension column for analysis

                                        Pump unit for analysis

                                                                   Analysis column  Detector

                                                        Trap column

                                                                            Pump unit for
                                                                            on-line dilution
                                         Pump unit for
                                        sample injection

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