Page 6 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 6


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Sugars in Orange Juice and Grape Juice

                                         by Prominence-i and Differential Refractive Index
            No.L467                      Detector

            As sugars display little ultraviolet absorption, a              Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            differential refractive index detector or an evaporative   Column  : Shim-pack SCR-101N (300 mm L. × 7.9 mm I.D., 10 µm)
            light scattering detector is used for their detection.  Mobile Phase   : Water
            The new Prominence-i integrated high-performance    Flowrate   : 0.6 mL/min
            liquid chromatograph can be connected to the RID-10A   Column Temp.   : 80 °C
                                                                Injection Volume : 10 µL
            differential refractive index detector. Since the column   Detection   : RID-10A
            oven can accommodate a 30-cm column for use in                 Polarity +, Cell temp. 40 °C, Response 1.5 sec
            sugar analysis (ligand exchange column), and the
            temperature can be controlled up to 85 °C, it therefore
            supports applications that require a long column and
            high column temperature.
            Here, we introduce an example of sugar analysis in
            juices using the Prominence-i with the RID-10A.

            n Analysis of Sugar Standard Solution              n Linearity
            Fig. 1 shows the results of analysis of a standard   Fig. 2 shows the linearity obtained using the conditions
            mixture of four sugars (maltotriose, sucrose, glucose,   listed in Table 1. Calibration curves were generated for
            fructose) using a 10 µL injection (each at 20 g/L). The   the four sugars using concentrations ranging from 0.4
            analytical conditions were as shown in Table 1. For the   to 20 g/L, and the mean area value obtained from each
            analytical column, we used the Shim-pack SCR-101N, a   set of the three repeat measurements. Excellent
            specialized sugar-analysis column that supports both   linearity was obtained, with a coefficient of
            the gel filtration and ligand exchange modes.      determination greater than R =0.9999 for all of the

                                                                Area (×10 ) 4          Area (×10 ) 4
               uRI                                              250  Maltotriose       250  Sucrose
               175                         ■ Peaks              200                    200
                                            1. Maltotriose
                            2               2. Sucrose          150                    150
               150         1   3            3. Glucose
                                4           4. Fructose         100                    100
               125                                               50                    50
                                                                          R² = 0.9999968        R² = 0.9999883
                                                                  0                     0
               100                                                 0     10      20      0      10     20
                                                                          Concentration (g/L)    Concentration (g/L)
                75                                              Area (×10 ) 4          Area (×10 ) 4
                                                                250 Glucose            250  Fructose
                                                                200                    200
                25                                              150                    150
                                                                100                    100
                 0                                               50                    50
                                                                          R² = 0.9999446        R² = 0.9999930
                  0.0   5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  min          0                     0
                                                                   0     10      20      0      10     20
                                                                          Concentration (g/L)    Concentration (g/L)
              Fig. 1  Chromatogram of a Standard Mixture of Four Sugars  Fig. 2  Calibration Curves of a Standard Mixture of 4 Sugars
                   (20 g/L each, 10 μL injected)                      (0.4 - 20 g/L, 10 μL injected)
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