Page 4 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 4


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Simultaneous Analysis of Water-Soluble Vitamins by

                                         Newly Developed "Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ" Column

            Vitamins play vital roles in the metabolic activities of the   n Analysis of Standard Solution
            body. However, because they cannot be synthesized in   A standard solution was prepared following the
            sufficient quantities in the body, if at all, they must be   procedure outlined in Fig. 1. As folic acid, riboflavin,
            ingested either in our meals or by other means, such as   and biotin are only slightly soluble in water, they were
            Vitamins can be classified into two groups, water-  first dissolved in dilute alkali solution, and then
            soluble and fat-soluble, and their analysis is generally   dissolved in 10 mmol/L phosphate buffer (sodium)
            conducted by high-performance liquid chromatography.   solution (pH 2.6). The standard solution was adjusted
            Of the two types of vitamins, the water-soluble type   to obtain concentrations of 20 mg/L each.
            consists mainly of highly polar basic components which   An example of analysis using the Shim-pack MAqC-
            exhibit weak retention in analysis by reversed-phase   ODS Ⅰ is shown in Fig. 2, and the analytical conditions
            liquid chromatography. Since they exhibit weak     used are shown in Table 1. For comparison, analysis
            retention, the analysis is typically conducted using ion-  was conducted using a typical ODS column with mobile
            pair reagents.                                     phase that was spiked with an ion-pair reagent. Those
            Using ion-pair reagents can be challenging because of   analysis results are shown in Fig. 3, and the analytical
            the longer analysis time, widening of slow eluting   conditions are shown in Table 2.
            peaks, difficulty in obtaining sufficient sensitivity and   The results using the Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ
            long equilibration times. Analysis efficiency is also   demonstrate that the analysis time can be shortened
            compromised due to additional work-flow            due to the use of gradient analysis. Furthermore, even
            requirements, such as mobile phase preparation and   the late eluting substances show sharp peaks.
            column conditioning.
            Here, we introduce an example in which the newly
            developed "Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ" column is used
            to conduct simultaneous analysis of water-soluble
                                                                                                Folic acid
            vitamins without the addition of ion-pair reagents to   Thiamine (Vitamin B1)*  Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
            the mobile phase.                                         Nicotinamide                Biotin
                                                                   Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)*
            n Overview of Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ                       Ca Pantothenate
            The Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ column is a reversed-                 10 mmol/L            20 mmol/L
                                                                                                Aqueous sodium
            phase column packed with a silica gel containing metal         Phosphate            hydroxide
            and an added octadecylsilyl (ODS) group. In addition to        (sodium) buffer
            the hydrophobic interaction effect provided by the     Standard stock solution
            ODS, the metal content effectively contributes by        (500 mg/L each)       Standard stock solution
                                                                                             (500 mg/L each)
            providing cation-exchange effects. This enhances the
            retention of basic compounds, thereby permitting
            analysis using a conventional buffer instead of an ion-                     10 mmol/L
            pair reagent such as sodium alkyl sulfonate (e.g. sodium                    (sodium) buffer
            1-hexanesulfonate), which is required when conducting                Standard solution
            ion-pair chromatography.                                             (20 mg/L each)
            It is difficult to improve throughput in ion-pair
            chromatography due to the time required for         *Hydrochloride was used for substances indicated with an asterisk.
            reequilibration following gradient elution. While on the
            other hand, in isocratic elution, sensitivity is             Fig. 1  Standard Solution Preparation
            compromised due to peak broadening from slow
            eluting substances. Thus, its application to
            simultaneous analysis is not always appropriate.
            Use of the Shim-pack MAqC-ODS Ⅰ permits the
            retention of highly polar basic compounds without the
            use of ion-pair reagents, thereby making it possible to
            apply gradient elution. As a result, simultaneous
            analysis of highly polar basic compounds and other
            components can be achieved while shortening the
            analysis time and improving sensitivity.
            These features demonstrate the powerful advantages
            of this column for simultaneous analysis of water-
            soluble vitamins, as well as impurities in
            pharmaceutical products that contain large quantities
            of basic compounds.
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