Page 18 - Microorganism Species Analysis
P. 18

MALDI-TOF MS                                                                                                                                                                                                         MALDI-TOF MS
                                                   Protein Analysis (Proteome Analysis)
            Microorganism Solutions                                                                                                                                                                                              Microorganism Solutions

                     Protein Analysis by MALDI-TOF MS                                                                                     Data
                     Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) is widely adopted as a proteomics approach for the easy, high-throughput analysis of
                     proteins using MALDI-TOF MS. With this method, after the proteins are subjected to 2D electrophoretic separation, the   Analysis of Protein Extract from E. coli by MALDI-TOF MS
                     target proteins are enzyme digested in-gel, and a database search is performed using the mass information for the peptide                                                                                                         Microorganism Species  Observation of
                     fragment groups obtained to determine and identify the target proteins.                                               Test flow
                     Direct amino acid sequencing (de novo sequencing) using the ORFinder-NB Mass Sequencing Kit (Protein N Terminal       1. Extract proteins from the E. coli culture fluid by the normal method.
                     Sequencing Kit) and protein determination by definitive amino acid sequencing with a protein sequencer (Edman reaction)   2. Perform 2D separation of the proteins using a 2D electrophoresis system (CoolPhoreStar).
            Observation of
                     and BLAST searches are effective for handling microorganism-derived proteins not included in the protein database.    3. Analyze the gel images with Progenesis Electrophoresis Gel Image Analysis Software and excise the target protein
          Microorganism Species
                                                                                                                                               spots from the gel.
                                                                                                                                           4. Perform in-gel digestion of the target proteins with trypsin. Extract the obtained peptide fragments from the gel and
                        Features of Protein Analysis (Proteome Analysis) Using the                                                             desalt.
                        MALDI-TOF MS AXIMA Series                                                                                          5. Perform mass spectrometry using the MALDI-TOF MS AXIMA Series and then perform Mascot database searches
                                                                                                                                               (PMF analysis) using the mass list obtained.
                         The Progenesis Electrophoresis Gel Image Analysis Software simplifies quantitative comparisons between
                         electrophoresis gel images and the evaluation of protein spots where a difference is apparent.
                         The AXIMA Series offers high-throughput and high-sensitivity protein PMF analysis and MS/MS analysis.                                                                                                                         Microorganism Species  Identification of
                         AXIMA Confidence supports MS/MS (PSD) and AXIMA Performance supports MS/MS (CID/PSD).

            Identification of
          Microorganism Species

                         Spot matching, qualification and     Mass spectrometry                 Database analysis
                         quantitation of changed spots

                                                                                                                                           Fig. 1 2D Electrophoresis Image of Protein Extract from E. coli  Fig. 2 Mass Spectrum of Spot Arbitrarily Selected from the Gel  Specific Microorganisms  Detection of

            Detection of
                                                                                                                                                                    Table 1 E. coli-Derived Protein Extract Hits by PMF Method (Partial)
          Specific Microorganisms

                            Progenesis (2D electrophoresis)                                       MASCOT (Matrix Science)
                            Progenesis SameSpots                                                  Mascot Database Search
                            Electrophoresis Gel Image         AXIMA Performance                   Software (manufactured by
                            Analysis Software                  (MS/MS:CID/PSD)                    Matrix Science Ltd.)
                                                              Laser Desorption Ionization
                                                              Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer                                                                                                                                                         Components  Analysis of Microorganism-Derived


                         Related products
                            Protein N Terminal Sequencing Kit                                   Related products
            Analysis of Microorganism-Derived

                           ORFinder-NB Mass Sequencing Kit                                        PPSQ-31A/33A                                                                                                                                         Other Applications
                                                              AXIMA Confidence                    Protein Sequencing System                Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) based on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry offers highly sensitive, high-throughput
          Other Applications
                                                               (MS/MS:PSD)                                                                 protein identification from a single 2D electrophoresis spot. This method can be combined with gel image analysis for
                                                              Laser Desorption Ionization
                                                              Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer                                             application to functional analysis of microorganisms, such as screening of proteins expressed characteristically for
                                                                                                                                           specific bacterial strains.
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