Page 8 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 8

Sum parameter Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC –Determination in surface and


            The    German      Water    Resources     Act       exhibit high levels of  TOC concentrations
            (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz, WHG) serves the             caused by natural substances or  dissolved
            purpose of  “sustainable water management           harmful substances from the environment.
            to protect waters as a component of the
            ecological balance, as a basis of human
                                                                                            Typical TOC-
            existence, as a habitat for animals and plants          Surface water        Concentrations in
            as well as a usable good”. The various water                                        mg/l
            types are defined in this act.
                                                                  Clean spring water            1 - 2

                                                                 Weakly polluted rivers         2 – 5
                                                                      and streams

                                                                 Nutrient-rich stagnant         5 - 10

                                                                    Polluted waters           50 - >100

                                                                  Clean groundwater              1 -2
                                                                      (well water)
                                                                          Typical TOC-Concentrations (1)
            ■ Definitions according to WHG
            Groundwater is defined as “water that is
            below the surface of the ground in the              Depending     on   the   region,  high   TIC
            saturation zone and in direct contact with the      concentration (> 100 mg/L) can also occur in
            ground or subsoil”. Surface water is                surface water as well as in groundwater.
            “permanently or temporarily confined flowing
            or standing waters, and unconfined waters           At TOC concentrations of far below 10 mg/L,
            from natural springs”. Surface waters include       it needs to be ensured that inorganic carbon
            bodies of water above ground such as lakes,         is being purged from the solution.
            rivers and streams as well as coastal waters.
            Rainwater that has not yet flowed away is
            also included.
            Surface waters are often contaminated with
            particles  and harmful substances.  They can
            only be used as drinking water after
            undergoing a treatment process (Wikipedia).
            By definition, these  waters can be very
            different due to regional conditions. They can
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