Page 4 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 4

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        TOC –Determination in drinking water

            No.  SCA-130-101

                                                                This list of indicator parameters also includes
            Drinking  water  is  one  of  the  main  important
            and life-sustaining food stuffs and is essential    the  TOC value (total organic carbon), which
            to the survival of all known organism. It is a      has not been assigned a limiting value or
            crucial  component for metabolic  processes         criterion but can be considered as  a
            and serves as solvent  for many  bodily             cautionary  warning  for  action  under  unusual
            solutes. Water for human consumption must           circumstances.    Another indicator parameter
            be free from pathogens, pleasant to drink and       included in the list is oxidizability. This is  a
            pure.  Continuous  monitoring  is  carried  out     measure  for the sum of all chemically
            according  to European Drinking  Water              oxidizable  organically  bound  compounds
            Regulation to ensure the  greatest possible         present in water.
            security                                            With  reference  to drinking water limiting
                                                                values, this parameter is no cause for direct
                                                                health concern but can lead to regermination
                                                                or   undesirable   disinfection  byproducts.
                                                                Oxidizability is  proportional to the sum  of
                                                                organically   bound    carbons     that   are
                                                                determined as DOC (dissolved organic
                                                                carbon)  or  TOC.  Oxidizability  can  therefore
                                                                be  replaced  by  the  TOC  parameter.  The
                                                                frequency of determination of the parameter
                                                                indicators depends on  the volume of water
                                                                that is produced or released in a water supply

            ■ European Drinking Water Directive
            The Directive is intended to protect human
            health by laying down healthiness and purity
            requirements which must be met by drinking
            water within the European Union (EU).
            The directive applies to all water intended for
            human  consumption  apart  from  natural
            mineral waters and water which are medicinal
            products.                                           ■ TOC determination in drinking water
            The  European  drinking  water  directive            When  examining  carbon  compounds  in
            includes  the category of indicator parameter       drinking water, it is apparent that the amount
            value specifications.  These are  not directly      of inorganic carbons, such as carbonates and
            linked  to  health  problems  but  have  an         hydrogen carbonates, is  much higher than
            indicator                            function.      the organic fraction.
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