Page 9 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 9


            ■ TOC-L                                             ■ Example: River water
            To prepare  the sample  accordingly, the ISP
            module of the TOC-L  automatically acidifies             20
            the sample and strips the CO 2 originating
            from the TIC.                                            14

            The excellent particle tolerance of the                Signal[mV]
            analyzers  enables analysis of particle-                 7
            containing   surface   waters.   Using    the
            automatic    dilution  function,   multi-point
            calibrations  can be generated from a single             0
            standard. In the investigation of unknown                -2  0                   5
            surface waters or groundwater, one of the
            samples may exceed the calibration range. In        NPOC-Method
            this case, the TOC Control-L software offers        Acidification: 1,5%
            an option for automatic dilution  to bring  the     Sparge-time: 5 Minutes
            sample back within the calibration range.
                                                                TOC-Concentration: 3,4 mg/l
                                                                RSD (3 Injections): 1,4%

                                                                ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration

                                                                - TOC-L CPH

                                                                - ASI-L (40ml) with stirrer option
                                                                - External Sparge-Kit

                                                                (1) Source: Wikipedia
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