Page 12 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 12

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in solid samples
                                         using the suspension method

            The TOC content in solids plays an important        ■ Suspension method
            role in the classification of soils, sludges and    Several years ago, Shimadzu developed the
            sediments.    According   to   the   German         so-called suspension method in cooperation
            Ordinance  on Environmentally Compatible            with responsible authorities and the Albo-tec
            Storage of Waste from Human Settlements             environmental    laboratory    in   Bochum,
            (Abfallablagerungsverordnung,       AbfAblV),       Germany. In this method, the solid sample is
            TOC in solid materials is one of the key            processed  in a specific way so that it can
            parameters for the characterization of wastes       subsequently be treated as a liquid, particle-
            as part of the acceptance control of landfills.     containing   sample.    This   method    was
            This important control measure requires a           successfully applied in several round robin
            fast and simple TOC  determination method           tests and has, since June 2009, also been
            and, at the same time, a robust and                 described in the draft DIN EN 159536. This
            statistically  reliable method that is  based on    new standard is intended to replace DIN EN
            the inhomogeneous composition of soils.             13137 and describes  the established solid
                                                                sample combustion method as well as the
                                                                novel suspension method (see annex).

                                                                ■ Analytical process

            To date, the established regulations describe
            a method whereby a weighed solid sample is
            combusted in a stream of air or oxygen. The
                   generated    during   combustion    is
            CO 2
            subsequently detected and quantified using a        Approximately 200 mg of the dried and
            calibration  curve. The inhomogeneity of the        ground sample is weighed into an Erlenmeyer
            soils has a direct effect on the distribution of    flask. The sample is subsequently suspended
            the measuring data –  each weighed solid            in a diluted hydrochloric acid solution. The
            sample can only be combusted once.                  acidic solution serves to break down the
                                                                carbonates present in the sample and, at the
                                                                same time, form the suspension medium.
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