Page 17 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 17


            ■ Statistics
            As an example, the figure below  shows the                Injection            Conc. In mg/l
            final 20  injections of the field test. Relative              1                   0,7430
            standard deviation was 1.8%.                                  2                   0,6947
            The standard solution after the last glass fiber              3                   0,6819
            suspension injection cycle resulted in a TOC                  4                   0,6850
            recovery of 97.6%.                                            5                   0,6959
                                                                          7                   0,6966
            The TOC field test  clearly showed that the                   8                   0,6831
            oxidative power of the catalyst, even after                   9                   0,6901
            several hundred glass fiber suspension                       10                   0,6997
            injections, did not deteriorate. Active centers              11                   0,6943
            of the catalyst were not affected, nor did they              12                   0,6890
            fuse.                                                        13                   0,6896
                                                                         14                   0,6871
                                                                         15                   0,6945
                                                                         16                   0,6934
                                                                         17                   0,6982
                                                                         18                   0,6936
                                                                         19                   0,6951
                                                                         20                   0,6924
                                                                    Mean Value                0,6945
                                                                         SD                   0,0124
                                                                      RSD in %                 1,78
                                                                          Tab. Peak areas and statistics
                                                                             of the last 20 injections

                  Fig.  Peak graphs of the last 20 injections

            ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration

            TOC-L  CPN
            ASI-L (40ml) with stirrer option and external

        Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH
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